9401-9450 of 10000 results (36ms)
2016-02-08 §
22:45 <hashar> Pooled https://integration.wikimedia.org/ci/computer/integration-slave-precise-1003/ [releng]
22:25 <hashar> integration-slave-precise-{1001-1004} applied role::ci::slave::labs, running puppet in slaves. I have added the instances as Jenkins slaves and put them offline. Whenever puppet is done, we can mark them online in Jenkins then monitor the jobs running on them are working properly [releng]
22:15 <hashar> Provisioning integration-slave-precise-{1001-1004} https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T126274 (need more php53 slots) [releng]
22:13 <hashar> Deleted cache-rsync instance superseded by castor instance [releng]
22:10 <hashar> Deleting pmcache.integration.eqiad.wmflabs (was to investigate various kind of central caches). [releng]
20:14 <marxarelli> aborting pending mediawiki-extensions-php53 job for CheckUser [releng]
20:08 <bd808> toggled "Enable Gearman" off and on in Jenkins to wake up deployment-bastion workers [releng]
14:54 <hashar> nodepool: refreshed snapshot image , Image ci-jessie-wikimedia-1454942958 in wmflabs-eqiad is ready [releng]
14:47 <hashar> regenerated nodepool reference image (got rid of grunt-cli https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/269126 ) [releng]
09:41 <legoktm> deploying https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/269093 https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/269094 [releng]
09:36 <hashar> restarting integration puppetmaster (out of memory / cannot fork) [releng]
06:11 <bd808> tgr set $wgAuthenticationTokenVersion on beta cluster (test run for T124440) [releng]
02:09 <legoktm[NE]> deploying https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/268047 [releng]
00:57 <legoktm[NE]> deploying https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/268031 [releng]
2016-02-06 §
18:34 <jzerebecki> reloading zuul for bdb2ed4..46ccca9 [releng]
2016-02-05 §
13:30 <hashar> beta cleaning out /data/project/logs/archive was from pre logstash area. We no more log this way since May 2015 apparently [releng]
13:29 <hashar> beta deleting /data/project/swift-disk created in august 2014 , unused since june 2015. Was a fail attempt at bringing swift to beta [releng]
13:27 <hashar> beta: reclaiming disk space from extensions.git. On bastion: find /srv/mediawiki-staging/php-master/extensions/.git/modules -maxdepth 1 -type d -print -execdir git gc \; [releng]
13:03 <hashar> integration-slave-trusty-1011 went out of disk space. Did some brute clean up and git gc. [releng]
05:21 <TimStarling> configured mediawiki-extensions-qunit to only run on integration-slave-trusty-1017, did a rebuild and then switched it back [releng]
2016-02-04 §
22:08 <jzerebecki> reloading zuul for bed7be1..f57b7e2 [releng]
21:51 <hashar> salt-key -d integration-slave-jessie-1001.eqiad.wmflabs [releng]
21:50 <hashar> salt-key -d integration-slave-precise-1011.eqiad.wmflabs [releng]
20:11 <hashar> ping [releng]
20:08 <hashar> All wikis to 1.27.0-wmf.12 No troubles so far congratulations to everyone involved @wikimedia #wikimedia [releng]
18:37 <marxarelli> Reloading Zuul to deploy Iccf4f48fe5bf964a4c4e6db3f404f152628a4a24 [releng]
10:04 <hashar> beta: nuking the whole l10n cache ( https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T123366 ) [releng]
10:03 <hashar> beta-scap-eqiad fails with <tt>AttributeError: 'bool' object has no attribute 'encode'</tt> [releng]
10:02 <hashar> https://integration.wikimedia.org/ci/view/Beta/job/beta-scap-eqiad/ is broken :( [releng]
00:57 <bd808> Got deployment-bastion processing Jenkins jobs again via instructions left by my past self at https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T72597#747925 [releng]
00:43 <bd808> Jenkins agent on deployment-bastion.eqiad doing the trick where it doesn't pick up jobs again [releng]
2016-02-03 §
22:24 <bd808> Manually ran sync-common on deployment-jobrunner01.eqiad.wmflabs to pickup wmf-config changes that were missing (InitializeSettings, Wikibase, mobile) [releng]
17:43 <marxarelli> Reloading Zuul to deploy previously undeployed Icd349069ec53980ece2ce2d8df5ee481ff44d5d0 and Ib18fe48fe771a3fe381ff4b8c7ee2afb9ebb59e4 [releng]
15:12 <hashar> apt-get upgrade deployment-sentry2 [releng]
15:03 <hashar> redeployed rcstream/rcstream on deployment-stream by using git-deploy on deployment-bastion [releng]
14:55 <hashar> upgrading deployment-stream [releng]
14:42 <hashar> pooled back integration-slave-trusty-1015 Seems ok [releng]
14:35 <hashar> manually triggered a bunch of browser tests jobs [releng]
11:40 <hashar> apt-get upgrade deployment-ms-be01 and deployment-ms-be02 [releng]
11:32 <hashar> fixing puppet.conf on deployment-memc04 [releng]
11:08 <hashar> restarting beta cluster puppetmaster just in case [releng]
11:07 <hashar> beta: apt-get upgrade on delpoyment-cache* hosts and checking puppet [releng]
10:59 <hashar> integration/beta: deleting /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/*proxy files. There is no need for them, in fact web proxy is not reachable from labs [releng]
10:53 <hashar> integration: switched puppet repo back to 'production' branch, rebased. [releng]
10:49 <hashar> various beta cluster have puppet errors .. [releng]
10:46 <hashar> integration-slave-trusty-1013 heading to out of disk space on /mnt ... [releng]
10:42 <hashar> integration-slave-trusty-1016 out of disk space on /mnt ... [releng]
03:45 <bd808> Puppet failing on deployment-fluorine with "Error: Could not set uid on user[datasets]: Execution of '/usr/sbin/usermod -u 10003 datasets' returned 4: usermod: UID '10003' already exists" [releng]
03:44 <bd808> Freed 28G by deleting deployment-fluorine:/srv/mw-log/archive/*2015* [releng]
03:41 <bd808> Ran deployment-bastion.deployment-prep:/home/bd808/cleanup-var-crap.sh and freed 565M [releng]