151-183 of 183 results (19ms)
2019-12-16 §
13:59 <arturo> powering down `puppet-stretch-test` VM to test stuff related to T240851 [testlabs]
2019-10-17 §
14:41 <jeh> deleting failed stresstest VMs that have multiple designate records stresstest1024-16-[16,17,64] left over from newton upgrade T212302 [testlabs]
2019-10-07 §
19:14 <Krenair> reboot canary1008-01 due to nfs stale issue [testlabs]
2019-08-09 §
10:57 <arturo> rebalance load: reallocating util-abogott-jessie from cloudvirt1018 to cloudvirt1006 [testlabs]
10:53 <arturo> rebalance load: reallocating abogott-puuppetmaster from cloudvirt1018 to cloudvirt1003 [testlabs]
2019-05-03 §
11:53 <arturo> T221047 create VM instance canary1007-01 and place it in cloudvirt1007 [testlabs]
11:48 <arturo> increase quota to 45 instances [testlabs]
2019-04-26 §
12:37 <andrewbogott> test log [testlabs]
2019-03-13 §
08:32 <gtirloni> re-enabled puppet on ldap-jessie/trusty VMs [testlabs]
2019-01-31 §
12:06 <arturo> VM instances canary1015-01, were stopped briefly due to issue in hypervisor (T215012) [testlabs]
2018-02-09 §
01:11 <bd808> Removed Yuvipanda at user request (T186289) [testlabs]
2018-02-06 §
14:33 <chasemp> add herron [testlabs]
2018-01-05 §
14:37 <chasemp> sudo cumin --force D{labvirt1018stresstest-[1-5].testlabs.eqiad.wmflabs} 'sudo screen -d -m "stress-ng --timeout 600 --fork 4 --cpu 1 --io 2 --vm 1 --vm-bytes 1G --switch 5"' [testlabs]
14:08 <chasemp> OS_TENANT_NAME=testlabs openstack server create --flavor 4 --image 85e8924b-b25d-4341-ad3e-56856d4de2cc --availability-zone host:labvirt1018 labvirt1018stresstest-4 [testlabs]
14:08 <chasemp> OS_TENANT_NAME=testlabs openstack server create --flavor 4 --image 85e8924b-b25d-4341-ad3e-56856d4de2cc --availability-zone host:labvirt1018 labvirt1018stresstest-3 [testlabs]
14:08 <chasemp> OS_TENANT_NAME=testlabs openstack server create --flavor 2 --image 85e8924b-b25d-4341-ad3e-56856d4de2cc --availability-zone host:labvirt1018 labvirt1018stresstest-2 [testlabs]
14:03 <chasemp> OS_TENANT_NAME=testlabs openstack server create --flavor 2 --image 85e8924b-b25d-4341-ad3e-56856d4de2cc --availability-zone host:labvirt1018 labvirt1018stresstest-1 [testlabs]
2017-11-08 §
20:51 <bd808> Running stress-ng test on labvirt1015stresstest* vms for T171473 [testlabs]
2017-11-07 §
16:16 <bd808> Running 3rd round of stress tests on labvirt1015 (T171473) [testlabs]
2017-11-05 §
23:57 <bd808> Running stress-ng test on labvirt1015stresstest* vms for T171473 [testlabs]
2017-11-03 §
16:46 <bd808> Running stress-ng test on labvirt1015stresstest* vms for T171473 [testlabs]
2017-08-30 §
21:34 <madhuvishy> Add Osstackcanary user as project admin [testlabs]
2017-03-16 §
14:36 <andrewbogott> removing 'novaadmin' from project-testlabs to confirm that it's not needed [testlabs]
2016-08-24 §
18:17 <chasemp> disposable-1014-test-vm-01 IO testing on labvirt1014 [testlabs]
2016-08-01 §
21:48 <madhuvishy> Added Madhuvishy as project member and admin [testlabs]
2016-07-04 §
11:14 <yuvipanda> stop instance papaultest to free up some resources on labvirt1006 [testlabs]
11:14 <yuvipanda> stop instance tool-master-02 to free up some resources on labvirt1006 [testlabs]
2016-05-24 §
16:58 <andrewbogott> mwclient test [testlabs]
2016-05-10 §
21:53 <bd808> Added BryanDavis (myself) as admin [testlabs]
2016-04-19 §
15:14 <andrewbogott> test log message [testlabs]
2016-03-03 §
00:19 <mutante> making wikitech dumps available for T54170 [testlabs]
2015-11-16 §
21:42 <andrewbogott> just making sure this still works... [testlabs]
2015-10-01 §
14:18 <andrewbogott> testing the log by logging a test [testlabs]