7 results (27ms)
2023-04-04 §
08:19 <wm-bot> <legoktm> Updated from 51e89bc to a98c617 [tools.apt-browser]
2023-03-24 §
04:32 <wm-bot> <legoktm> Updated from 164111f to 51e89bc [tools.apt-browser]
2022-09-09 §
04:59 <wm-bot> <legoktm> Move to Wikimedia GitLab, rewrite in Rust [tools.apt-browser]
2021-11-04 §
05:34 <wm-bot> <legoktm> Switch webservice to use Python 3.9 [tools.apt-browser]
2020-01-03 §
07:51 <legoktm> switched over to python3.7 and new k8s cluster (`kubectl config use-context toolforge`) [tools.apt-browser]
2019-07-28 §
02:00 <wm-bot> <legoktm> updated to master [tools.apt-browser]
2019-07-27 §
02:25 <wm-bot> <legoktm> updated to master [tools.apt-browser]