4 results (24ms)
2022-06-03 §
20:55 <wm-bot> <root> Shutdown webservice which has been in infinite crash loop for ... months? $HOME/.lighttpd.conf does not work with modern lighttpd versions. [tools.asurabot]
2018-11-22 §
19:59 <gtirloni> Renamed .bigbrotherrc to bigbrotherrc.old (see comment in file for reason) [tools.asurabot]
2017-02-10 §
19:24 <bd808> Migrated from Precise to Trusty with `webservice stop; webservice start` [tools.asurabot]
2016-07-23 §
20:23 <bd808> killed running job for sum_disc per T140909 [tools.asurabot]