8 results (22ms)
2020-05-18 §
18:00 <Jayprakash12345> Add favicon (T241471) [tools.bookreader]
2020-05-17 §
16:07 <Jayprakash12345> Migrate bookreader to new toolforge URL (T252970) [tools.bookreader]
2020-02-25 §
19:57 <wm-bot> <root> Migrated to 2020 Kubernetes cluster [tools.bookreader]
2019-12-30 §
16:08 <Jaypraka_> Hot fix to load commons file from local URL [tools.bookreader]
2019-12-27 §
22:17 <Jayprakash12345> Deploying T241489 T241491 [tools.bookreader]
2019-12-26 §
18:55 <Jayprakash12345> Checkout /lang/file_name endpoint (T240744) [tools.bookreader]
2019-12-14 §
17:49 <Jayprakash12345> Support for locally uploaded books in Wikisource (T240683) [tools.bookreader]
2019-12-10 §
21:03 <Jayprakash12345> Starting webservice (T240178) [tools.bookreader]