201-250 of 262 results (28ms)
2021-07-20 §
15:17 <wm-bot> <bd808> Restarting becuase the bot is not working on all channels. Logs are inconclusive as to why. [tools.bridgebot]
2021-07-13 §
20:02 <wm-bot> <bd808> Restart to upgrade to v1.22.3 release [tools.bridgebot]
19:49 <wm-bot> <bd808> Reconnecting after IRC disconnect [tools.bridgebot]
2021-07-06 §
06:49 <majavah> restart bot after libera ban was removed, looks to be stable again [tools.bridgebot]
2021-06-24 §
22:40 <wm-bot> <bd808> Reconnecting after IRC net*split [tools.bridgebot]
2021-06-21 §
15:04 <wm-bot> <bd808> Restarted bot. Looks like it had fallen off of irc. [tools.bridgebot]
2021-06-16 §
15:59 <wm-bot> <bd808> Updating Telegram channel nubmer for #wikipedia-no bridge (T283288) [tools.bridgebot]
15:11 <wm-bot> <bd808> Adding #wikipedia-no bridge (T283288) [tools.bridgebot]
2021-06-15 §
23:52 <wm-bot> <bd808> Adding #wikimedia-sp bridge (T283308) (try #2) [tools.bridgebot]
23:44 <wm-bot> <bd808> Adding #wikimedia-sp bridge (T283308) [tools.bridgebot]
22:58 <wm-bot> <bd808> Adding #iabot bridge (T285021) [tools.bridgebot]
2021-05-26 §
01:58 <wm-bot> <bd808> Disabled all freenode connections [tools.bridgebot]
2021-05-25 §
14:38 <wm-bot> <bd808> Restart to fix irc connections. This is getting really boring. [tools.bridgebot]
2021-05-23 §
21:17 <wm-bot> <bd808> Add #wikipedia-nl freenode<->libera.chat (T283430) [tools.bridgebot]
16:09 <bd808> Added majavah as co-maintainer [tools.bridgebot]
2021-05-22 §
05:16 <wm-bot> <bd808> Restarted to pick up higher cpu and ram limits [tools.bridgebot]
04:33 <wm-bot> <bd808> Added #countervandalism bridge (T283297) [tools.bridgebot]
2021-05-21 §
23:58 <wm-bot> <bd808> Add #wikipedia-it-sysop@libera.chat (T283357) [tools.bridgebot]
20:05 <wm-bot> <bd808> disable #mediawiki bridge until we can stop spammers [tools.bridgebot]
2021-05-20 §
21:34 <wm-bot> <bd808> Restarting to add #mediawiki bridge (T283274) [tools.bridgebot]
14:29 <wm-bot> <bd808> Moving bot into #wikimedia-hackathon@libera.chat [tools.bridgebot]
2021-05-19 §
23:26 <wm-bot> <bd808> Restart to add libera to #wmhack bridge [tools.bridgebot]
23:17 <wm-bot> <bd808> Restarting to add libera.chat bridge for #wikimedia-cloud [tools.bridgebot]
2021-05-13 §
20:23 <wm-bot> <bd808> Restarting because this bot is a pile of broken crap [tools.bridgebot]
2021-05-07 §
20:07 <wm-bot> <bd808> Restarting due to irc<->telegram message drops [tools.bridgebot]
2021-05-03 §
23:50 <wm-bot> <bd808> Hard restart to see if that fixes some missing bridges [tools.bridgebot]
2021-04-18 §
22:16 <wm-bot> <bd808> Restart to update to matterbridge v1.22.1 [tools.bridgebot]
2021-02-24 §
16:09 <wm-bot> <bd808> Restarted following Freenode k-line [tools.bridgebot]
2021-02-19 §
15:56 <wm-bot> <bd808> Restarted to regain irc nick [tools.bridgebot]
2021-01-29 §
01:45 <wm-bot> <bd808> Restarted to change mattermost bridge config [tools.bridgebot]
01:16 <wm-bot> <bd808> Restarted to change mattermost bridge config [tools.bridgebot]
01:12 <wm-bot> <bd808> Restarted to change mattermost account config/ [tools.bridgebot]
01:08 <wm-bot> <bd808> Restart to add bridge from #wikimedia-cloud ir to chat.wmcloud.org [tools.bridgebot]
2021-01-24 §
04:14 <wm-bot> <bd808> Restarting to regain irc nick [tools.bridgebot]
2021-01-15 §
16:31 <wm-bot> <bd808> Updated to matterbridge 1.21.0 [tools.bridgebot]
15:43 <wm-bot> <bd808> Restarting bot. IRC connections are missing NickServ auth. [tools.bridgebot]
2020-11-04 §
16:57 <wm-bot> <bd808> Rolled back to 1.18.3 and filed T267239 [tools.bridgebot]
16:43 <wm-bot> <bd808> Restart to upgrade to matterbridge 1.19.0 release [tools.bridgebot]
2020-09-30 §
21:12 <wm-bot> <bd808> Another restart for irc flood crash (T264212) [tools.bridgebot]
16:53 <wm-bot> <bd808> Upgrade to 1.18.3; Add RejoinDelay=5 for IRC channels (T264212) [tools.bridgebot]
16:14 <wm-bot> <bd808> Restarting. IRC join failures [tools.bridgebot]
2020-09-18 §
04:42 <wm-bot> <bd808> Restarting bot. Seems to have lost connection with some channels. [tools.bridgebot]
2020-09-03 §
17:10 <wm-bot> <bd808> Add #wikipedia-it-sysop irc<->telegram bridge. (T261954) [tools.bridgebot]
2020-08-17 §
22:45 <wm-bot> <bd808> Update Telegram channel id for ukwiki Telegram<->Discord bridge. (T260502) [tools.bridgebot]
22:29 <wm-bot> <bd808> Update Discord server id for ukwiki Telegram<->Discord bridge. (T260502) [tools.bridgebot]
22:19 <wm-bot> <bd808> Really enabling ukwiki Telegram<->Discord bridge this time. (T260502) [tools.bridgebot]
20:16 <wm-bot> <bd808> Enabling ukwiki Telegram<->Discord bridge (T260502) [tools.bridgebot]
01:36 <wm-bot> <bd808> Testing a Freenode<->Discord bridge [tools.bridgebot]
2020-07-24 §
22:02 <wm-bot> <bd808> Upgrade to matterbridge-1.18.0 and change nick to wm-bb [tools.bridgebot]
2020-07-22 §
03:50 <wm-bot> <bd808> Trying out a custom remote nick format for #wikipedia-abstract [tools.bridgebot]