9 results (22ms)
2022-07-13 §
14:53 <bd808> Changed ACL for https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/source/tool-csp-report/ to grant control to #acl*wmcs-team [tools.csp-report]
2022-02-19 §
18:39 <wm-bot> <bd808> Moved csp-report-prune to kubernetes [tools.csp-report]
2020-07-06 §
22:52 <wm-bot> <bd808> Migrated .webservicerc to service.template (T257229) [tools.csp-report]
2020-03-04 §
01:35 <wm-bot> <bd808> Updated to b58a6dc (Filter using keyword subfields) [tools.csp-report]
01:27 <wm-bot> <bd808> Updated to 91c10d8 (Update for change in search results) and switch to elastic7 backend cluster [tools.csp-report]
2020-01-03 §
23:33 <bd808> Moving to new kubernetes cluster and py37 [tools.csp-report]
2019-09-09 §
04:37 <bd808> Updated to 9cb069dd (Fix typoed exception name) [tools.csp-report]
2019-09-08 §
21:25 <bd808> Rebuilt broken venv for running elasticsearch-curator [tools.csp-report]
2018-04-13 §
23:00 <bd808> Restart to deploy 5a9fc76 (didn't I do this before?) [tools.csp-report]