5 results (24ms)
2019-03-20 §
17:03 <bd808> Force deleted job 25383 [tools.giftbot]
2019-01-29 §
17:03 <arturo> killed pods by hand [tools.giftbot]
2017-12-30 §
04:54 <Reedy> kill another long running high cpu usage process on tools-bastion-03 (of the same sga2.tcl file) [tools.giftbot]
04:45 <Reedy> kill long running high cpu usage process on tools-bastion-03 [tools.giftbot]
2016-12-01 §
00:14 <bd808> obs stuck on the job grid because they are not specifying '-l release=precise'. The giftbot dedicated worker queue (tools-exec-gift.eqiad.wmflabs) only has precise. Job numbers are 548672 and 548688 [tools.giftbot]