5 results (25ms)
2023-11-25 §
20:05 <taavi> the grid-deprecation tool no longer lists tools that ran jobs in the past (but are currently not running anything) and that are disabled [tools.grid-deprecation]
2022-07-13 §
15:08 <bd808> Changed ACL for https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/source/tool-precise-tools/ to grant control to #acl*wmcs-team (same repo has been used for several tools. grid-deprecation is the currently active one) [tools.grid-deprecation]
2022-04-12 §
21:19 <bd808> Added komla as co-maintainer [tools.grid-deprecation]
2022-02-17 §
07:26 <taavi> restart to apply code updates: filter out workloads migrated to kubernetes [tools.grid-deprecation]
06:56 <taavi> enable kubernetes cluster observer access, needed to query running workloads to remove migrated tools from stretch grid deprecation listing [tools.grid-deprecation]