44 results (29ms)
2025-02-04 §
14:50 <wmbot~lucaswerkmeister@tools-bastion-13> ./jouncebot/bin/jouncebot.sh restart # left #wikimedia-operations 14:46 UTC with “connection reset by peer”, nothing in kubectl logs [tools.jouncebot]
2024-08-29 §
17:00 <wmbot~samtar@tools-bastion-13> Disconnected, take 2 [tools.jouncebot]
16:59 <wmbot~samtar@tools-bastion-13> Disconnected [tools.jouncebot]
2023-12-14 §
00:50 <wm-bot> <bd808> Update to 01c73e0 [tools.jouncebot]
2023-10-02 §
22:40 <wm-bot> <bd808> Update to 33181b7c (T345198) [tools.jouncebot]
2023-08-29 §
23:58 <wm-bot> <bd808> Rolled back to 80a9d1a. IRC library failed to connect to libera.chat under Python 3.11. (T345198) [tools.jouncebot]
23:52 <wm-bot> <bd808> Updated to 6e16190 (T345198) [tools.jouncebot]
2022-08-04 §
22:11 <wm-bot> <bd808> Updated bot to 28508a1 [tools.jouncebot]
2022-03-23 §
20:37 <wm-bot> <bd808> Manual restart after seeing the bot drop out of #wikimedia-operations; Turns out the client rejoined before the restart, but no harm done in restarting [tools.jouncebot]
2021-09-02 §
17:36 <wm-bot> <bd808> Updated to 8b6ed12 [tools.jouncebot]
2021-08-24 §
23:58 <wm-bot> <bd808> Update to ba76aff and clean up local hacks [tools.jouncebot]
23:39 <wm-bot> <bd808> Update to 66f16a2 + local hacks [tools.jouncebot]
2021-07-01 §
22:23 <wm-bot> <bd808> Deploying f560830 (Update `help` message) [tools.jouncebot]
2021-05-26 §
02:06 <wm-bot> <bd808> Shutdown freenode bot [tools.jouncebot]
2021-05-20 §
15:29 <wm-bot> <bd808> Starting copy of jouncebot on libera.chat network [tools.jouncebot]
2021-05-11 §
00:01 <wm-bot> <bd808> Restart to deploy ba7998f (T243394) [tools.jouncebot]
2021-05-10 §
23:08 <wm-bot> <bd808> Restart to revert 560a22a (T243394) [tools.jouncebot]
2021-05-07 §
20:52 <wm-bot> <bd808> Restarted to pick up 560a22a (T243394) [tools.jouncebot]
2021-04-05 §
20:53 <wm-bot> <bd808> Restarting after updating to e956d87 [tools.jouncebot]
20:48 <wm-bot> <bd808> Restarting to test cherry-pick of [[gerrit:677017]] [tools.jouncebot]
2020-08-13 §
00:07 <wm-bot> <bd808> Updated to 6cf1eac (Remove "Max X patches" from window name) [tools.jouncebot]
2020-08-12 §
23:20 <wm-bot> <bd808> Updated to b6a1daa (SWAT was renamed to backport windows) [tools.jouncebot]
2020-07-06 §
22:55 <wm-bot> <root> Migrated .webservicerc to service.template (T257229) [tools.jouncebot]
2020-01-04 §
02:00 <bd808> Moving to new Kubernetes cluster [tools.jouncebot]
2019-02-08 §
06:32 <bd808> Migrated bot from Trusty grid to Kubernetes [tools.jouncebot]
2018-08-01 §
19:01 <bd808> qstat only showed one active job [tools.jouncebot]
19:01 <bd808> Stopped grid job, waited for everything to stop, and started again. Multiple instances were somehow running and fighting over the primary nick. [tools.jouncebot]
2018-04-09 §
18:37 <zhuyifei1999_> $ ./jouncebot.sh start, job id is 3650532 [tools.jouncebot]
2017-02-22 §
00:26 <bd808> Deployed {{gerrit|339092}} for T158715 [tools.jouncebot]
2017-02-21 §
23:09 <bd808> All is lost! Or at least things are borked after touching the virtualenv. Investigating. [tools.jouncebot]
22:54 <bd808> Cherry-picked {{gerrit|339066}} for testing [tools.jouncebot]
2017-02-18 §
01:05 <bd808> Updated to 2f1a35e [tools.jouncebot]
2016-12-29 §
18:43 <bd808> Restarted dead bot. Looks like the xml parser can kill the irc bot but not the job and leave things in a goofy state. [tools.jouncebot]
2016-11-29 §
05:24 <bd808> Testing cherry-pick of https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/c/322037 [tools.jouncebot]
2016-11-16 §
23:35 <bd808> Submitted request for bot cloak [tools.jouncebot]
2016-10-03 §
19:51 <bd808> Updated to e7c333d (Only log on_join for our own nick) [tools.jouncebot]
2016-09-05 §
23:29 <bd808> Cherry-picked https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/c/308086/ for testing [tools.jouncebot]
23:28 <bd808> Cherry-picked https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/c/308087/ for testing [tools.jouncebot]
23:28 <bd808> Added jouncebot.sh script borrowed from stashbot to stop, start, restart, rotate logs, tail logs, ... [tools.jouncebot]
2016-08-31 §
02:53 <bd808> Cherry-picked https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/c/307333 for testing [tools.jouncebot]
2016-08-29 §
15:38 <bd808> Cherry-picked https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/c/307315/ and restarted bot [tools.jouncebot]
15:03 <bd808> Stopped & started bot to try and get it back in #wikimedia-operations [tools.jouncebot]
2016-06-08 §
21:16 <bd808> Updated to f14640f and restarted [tools.jouncebot]
2015-09-28 §
19:21 <bd808> Restarted to pick up I529e774 (Filter example ircnick from patch owners list) [tools.jouncebot]