7 results (25ms)
2024-05-03 §
09:33 <wmbot~multichill@tools-bastion-12> Deployed jobs.yml with claim-templates hourly [tools.noclaims]
2024-03-17 §
18:41 <wmbot~multichill@tools-sgebastion-11> Recovering the bot [tools.noclaims]
2020-02-26 §
15:47 <wm-bot> <root> Migrated to 2020 Kubernetes cluster [tools.noclaims]
2016-12-17 §
22:03 <multichill> Added .lighttpd.conf and webservice restart so that logs are now send as "text/plain;charset=UTF-8" [tools.noclaims]
20:55 <multichill> Moved the two jobs here (one in the morning and one in the evening) and updated https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/User:NoclaimsBot [tools.noclaims]
20:11 <multichill> Set up the bot with a clone of https://github.com/multichill/toollabs and a symlinked pywikibot (git clone is broken see phab:T151351 ) [tools.noclaims]
2016-12-15 §
20:09 <yuvipanda> move webservice to kubernetes, is only serving static files [tools.noclaims]