11 results (26ms)
2022-07-13 §
15:14 <bd808> Changed ACL for https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/source/tool-os-deprecation/ to grant control to #acl*wmcs-team [tools.os-deprecation]
2022-04-13 §
16:59 <taavi> creating phab tasks for each project still running stretch T289883 [tools.os-deprecation]
2021-09-28 §
16:12 <majavah> add link to wikitech page [tools.os-deprecation]
2021-08-14 §
17:35 <majavah> add k8s job to rebuild stretch report, with same parameters as now-deactivated grid cron job for jessie [tools.os-deprecation]
17:21 <bd808> Added majavah as co-maintainer and granted git repo access [tools.os-deprecation]
2020-07-06 §
23:06 <wm-bot> <bd808> Migrated .webservicerc to service.template (T257229) [tools.os-deprecation]
2020-06-04 §
22:26 <bd808> Forcing run of output builder job to switch to toolforge.org links [tools.os-deprecation]
2020-01-14 §
23:51 <bd808> Rotated conduit API token [tools.os-deprecation]
2020-01-04 §
01:17 <bd808> Moving to new kubernetes cluster [tools.os-deprecation]
2019-10-14 §
02:52 <bd808> Reduced report job frequency to once per hour [tools.os-deprecation]
02:50 <bd808> Killed stuck update job running since 2019-10-07 [tools.os-deprecation]