101-150 of 192 results (30ms)
2021-08-08 §
13:16 <wm-bot> <lucaswerkmeister> START - purge querytime rows older than 30 days, in batches of 1000 sleeping for 1s between batches [tools.quickcategories]
2021-08-07 §
20:13 <wm-bot> <lucaswerkmeister> deployed 7028c292e7 (lock less tables) [tools.quickcategories]
19:06 <wm-bot> <lucaswerkmeister> deployed bbdebedd08 (styling improvement) [tools.quickcategories]
2021-07-20 §
19:22 <wm-bot> <lucaswerkmeister> deployed 1d17bc8e87 (update config loading code) [tools.quickcategories]
19:07 <wm-bot> <lucaswerkmeister> deployed b1f23a7801 (minor updates) [tools.quickcategories]
2021-05-30 §
15:17 <wm-bot> <lucaswerkmeister> deployed 9618989c17 (rename deployment from quickcategories.background-runner to just background-runner) [tools.quickcategories]
15:14 <wm-bot> <lucaswerkmeister> restarted background runner as well (turns out the deployment.yaml in ~ was old and I should’ve used the www/python/src/ one) [tools.quickcategories]
15:12 <wm-bot> <lucaswerkmeister> started webservice again (background runner not yet, odd kubectl error) [tools.quickcategories]
15:12 <wm-bot> <lucaswerkmeister> updated dependencies (e.g. mwparserfromhell 0.6.2, flask 2.0.1) [tools.quickcategories]
15:10 <wm-bot> <lucaswerkmeister> (this includes the background runner as well) [tools.quickcategories]
15:09 <wm-bot> <lucaswerkmeister> temporarily stopping webservice for dependency update (seems like NFS is preventing a pip upgrade while the tool is running?) [tools.quickcategories]
2021-04-09 §
18:16 <wm-bot> <lucaswerkmeister> deployed 24f6e19113 (better workaround for T279585) [tools.quickcategories]
2021-04-07 §
20:00 <wm-bot> <lucaswerkmeister> deployed c3c66caf96 (work around T279585) [tools.quickcategories]
2021-02-28 §
19:17 <wm-bot> <lucaswerkmeister> deployed 03d707756b (fix return type, should be a no-op) [tools.quickcategories]
19:15 <wm-bot> <lucaswerkmeister> deployed a01dae7728 (better OAuth error handling) [tools.quickcategories]
2021-02-26 §
10:28 <wm-bot> <lucaswerkmeister> deployed e7654cf4b3 (link PagePile batch creation from index) [tools.quickcategories]
2021-02-24 §
21:51 <wm-bot> <lucaswerkmeister> deployed b2f83f22c0 (a11y fix) [tools.quickcategories]
2021-02-16 §
20:29 <wm-bot> <lucaswerkmeister> deployed cc50c3ee7a (add skip link) [tools.quickcategories]
19:46 <wm-bot> <lucaswerkmeister> deployed 1265f0d223 (Bootstrap update) [tools.quickcategories]
2020-12-28 §
09:00 <wm-bot> <lucaswerkmeister> updated Python packages [tools.quickcategories]
2020-12-17 §
17:24 <wm-bot> <lucaswerkmeister> removed expected_database_error from config, ToolsDB maintenance is over [tools.quickcategories]
2020-12-16 §
16:44 <wm-bot> <lucaswerkmeister> deployed e236b28c74 (error handler for upcoming ToolsDB maintenance) [tools.quickcategories]
2020-12-14 §
20:21 <wm-bot> <lucaswerkmeister> deployed 8c9a2dfc59 (fix current_url) [tools.quickcategories]
2020-11-14 §
22:07 <wm-bot> <lucaswerkmeister> deployed f10c62ced1 (new export mode) [tools.quickcategories]
2020-11-10 §
15:57 <wm-bot> <lucaswerkmeister> made tool readonly to avoid issues during ToolsDB maintenance [tools.quickcategories]
2020-11-02 §
16:17 <wm-bot> <lucaswerkmeister> tool is read-write again, ToolsDB maintenance was rescheduled (again) [tools.quickcategories]
15:56 <wm-bot> <lucaswerkmeister> made tool readonly to avoid issues during ToolsDB maintenance [tools.quickcategories]
2020-10-27 §
16:25 <wm-bot> <lucaswerkmeister> tool is read-write again, ToolsDB maintenance was rescheduled [tools.quickcategories]
15:55 <wm-bot> <lucaswerkmeister> made tool readonly to avoid issues during ToolsDB maintenance [tools.quickcategories]
2020-10-17 §
15:14 <wm-bot> <lucaswerkmeister> deployed d5609a1b7f (more durable CSRF tokens; no background runner restart) [tools.quickcategories]
2020-06-26 §
21:17 <wm-bot> <lucaswerkmeister> deployed e1c86c5b27 (update pagepile url) [tools.quickcategories]
2020-06-15 §
20:47 <wm-bot> <lucaswerkmeister> renamed default branch from master to main [tools.quickcategories]
2020-06-14 §
11:16 <wm-bot> <lucaswerkmeister> deployed c0be64fafd (layout fix) [tools.quickcategories]
2020-04-25 §
17:09 <wm-bot> <lucaswerkmeister> deployed 90342028c5 (toolforge.org) [tools.quickcategories]
2020-02-20 §
23:36 <wm-bot> <lucaswerkmeister> deployed 1f063050d9 (many code cleanups including some minor bugfixes) [tools.quickcategories]
2020-02-16 §
14:56 <lucaswerkmeister> deployed 5e1e3d97ac (follow redirects by default, !title to edit the redirect itself) [tools.quickcategories]
2020-02-02 §
17:18 <wm-bot> <lucaswerkmeister> deployed db2a7c16ae (Python 3.7, 2020 Kubernetes cluster), includes venv rebuild; tool had apparently been broken before for about half a month [tools.quickcategories]
2019-11-08 §
17:22 <wm-bot> <lucaswerkmeister> deployed 32bb3fcae6 (silence bs4 warning) [tools.quickcategories]
2019-09-08 §
20:22 <wm-bot> <lucaswerkmeister> deployed b99c878d2a (db schema cleanup) [tools.quickcategories]
19:35 <wm-bot> <lucaswerkmeister> reset command 266888 (stuck in pending status) and restarted background runner [tools.quickcategories]
2019-09-02 §
20:05 <wm-bot> <lucaswerkmeister> deployed c601f81355 (retry earlier after wiki read-only) [tools.quickcategories]
2019-08-31 §
18:11 <wm-bot> <lucaswerkmeister> deployed 727e5dc3f7 (clarify retry and CSRF) [tools.quickcategories]
2019-08-08 §
17:36 <wm-bot> <lucaswerkmeister> deployed 6b45be2605 (fix wiki read-only display) [tools.quickcategories]
2019-06-30 §
22:24 <wm-bot> <lucaswerkmeister> deployed b1a75f69dc (remove debug code) [tools.quickcategories]
22:09 <wm-bot> <lucaswerkmeister> deployed 20a47a955b (preferences linked in navbar) [tools.quickcategories]
18:55 <wm-bot> <lucaswerkmeister> deployed 833372331d (preferences – not linked anywhere yet – with experimental OOUI version) [tools.quickcategories]
2019-06-19 §
11:55 <wm-bot> <lucaswerkmeister> deployed a35b558374 (add logout route) [tools.quickcategories]
2019-06-18 §
20:57 <wm-bot> <lucaswerkmeister> deployed 99f9d3f4c2 (copy nav below lists) [tools.quickcategories]
2019-06-16 §
14:37 <wm-bot> <lucaswerkmeister> deployed temporary change (hide notifications count for Harmonia Amanda per request) [tools.quickcategories]
14:11 <wm-bot> <lucaswerkmeister> deployed a415a923dd (show notifications count) [tools.quickcategories]