5 results (28ms)
2023-06-08 §
18:30 <wm-bot> <root> $ kubectl delete po quickstatements-6cf6cf9f5c-js47j (T338488) [tools.quickstatements]
2023-02-14 §
08:27 <taavi> run the './start_bot.sh' script to try to start background batch processing [tools.quickstatements]
2020-01-22 §
19:56 <bd808> `kubectl edit ingress/quickstatements` to add redirect annotation that will ensure a trailing slash on the URL [tools.quickstatements]
2019-05-31 §
12:35 <arturo> stop webservice [tools.quickstatements]
2019-04-10 §
09:56 <arturo> force deleted job 853139 because it was stucked (trying to depool exec node for T218126) [tools.quickstatements]