301-350 of 561 results (35ms)
2023-02-18 §
16:09 <wm-bot> <maurelio> Deleted crontab for stewardbots; backup saved at crontab_20230218.txt | T130031 [tools.stewardbots]
16:09 <wm-bot> <maurelio> Deleted crontab for stewardbots [tools.stewardbots]
2023-02-09 §
03:53 <wm-bot> <anticomposite> SULWatcher/manage.sh restart # SULWatcher 2 disconnected [tools.stewardbots]
01:03 <herzog> maintainers updated - removed former stewards no longer active [tools.stewardbots]
2023-02-08 §
19:27 <wm-bot> <anticomposite> SULWatcher/manage.sh restart \# SULWatcher 2 disconnected [tools.stewardbots]
2023-02-01 §
21:36 <AntiComposite> Restart stewardbot, rc listener died with 429 Client Error: Too Many Requests for url: https://stream.wikimedia.org/v2/stream/recentchange [tools.stewardbots]
2023-01-03 §
00:06 <wm-bot> <anticomposite> ./stewardbots/StewardBot/manage.sh restart # RC not working [tools.stewardbots]
2022-12-31 §
18:35 <wm-bot> <anticomposite> ./SULWatcher/manage.sh restart # SULWatchers 2 and 3 disconnected [tools.stewardbots]
2022-12-08 §
02:44 <wm-bot> <anticomposite> ./SULWatcher/manage.sh restart # RCReader not RCReading [tools.stewardbots]
2022-11-16 §
22:45 <wm-bot> <anticomposite> ./SULWatcher/manage.sh restart # SULWatcher3 disconnected [tools.stewardbots]
2022-11-09 §
04:23 <wm-bot> <anticomposite> ./SULWatcher/manage.sh restart # SULWatchers disconnected [tools.stewardbots]
2022-11-06 §
21:25 <AntiComposite> Add MarcoAurelio as maintainer [tools.stewardbots]
21:20 <wm-bot> <anticomposite> ./stewardbots/StewardBot/manage.sh restart # RC not working [tools.stewardbots]
2022-10-31 §
15:46 <wm-bot> <anticomposite> ./SULWatcher/manage.sh restart # SULWatchers disconnected [tools.stewardbots]
15:30 <wm-bot> <deltaquad> Restart StewardBot [tools.stewardbots]
03:10 <wm-bot> <anticomposite> ./stewardbots/StewardBot/manage.sh restart # Ping timeout [tools.stewardbots]
2022-10-29 §
15:31 <wm-bot> <anticomposite> ./SULWatcher/manage.sh restart # SULWatchers disconnected [tools.stewardbots]
2022-10-28 §
22:06 <wm-bot> <anticomposite> ./SULWatcher/manage.sh restart # "Not connected." spam [tools.stewardbots]
2022-10-27 §
22:41 <wm-bot> <anticomposite> ./SULWatcher/manage.sh restart # SULWatcher disconnected [tools.stewardbots]
17:58 <wm-bot> <anticomposite> ./SULWatcher/manage.sh restart # "Not connected." spam [tools.stewardbots]
2022-10-21 §
22:46 <wm-bot> <anticomposite> ./SULWatcher/manage.sh restart # all bots down [tools.stewardbots]
03:17 <wm-bot> <anticomposite> ./SULWatcher/manage.sh restart # all bots down [tools.stewardbots]
03:16 <wm-bot> <anticomposite> ./stewardbots/StewardBot/manage.sh restart # Ping timeout not noticed by bot [tools.stewardbots]
03:15 <wm-bot> <anticomposite> ./stewardbots/StewardBot/manage.sh restart # Ping timeout not noticed by bot [tools.stewardbots]
2022-10-20 §
22:18 <wm-bot> <anticomposite> ./stewardbots/StewardBot/manage.sh restart # Ping timeout not noticed by bot [tools.stewardbots]
22:14 <wm-bot> <anticomposite> ./SULWatcher/manage.sh restart # Bots joined but unresponsive [tools.stewardbots]
22:10 <wm-bot> <anticomposite> ./stewardbots/StewardBot/manage.sh restart # Ping timeout not noticed by bot [tools.stewardbots]
22:09 <wm-bot> <anticomposite> ./SULWatcher/manage.sh restart # all bots down [tools.stewardbots]
16:06 <wm-bot> <deltaquad> ./stewardbots/StewardBot/manage.sh restart # reboot of services [tools.stewardbots]
2022-10-19 §
01:57 <wm-bot> <anticomposite> ./SULWatcher/manage.sh restart # all bots down [tools.stewardbots]
01:56 <wm-bot> <anticomposite> ./stewardbots/StewardBot/manage.sh restart # Ping timeout not noticed by bot [tools.stewardbots]
2022-10-18 §
21:35 <wm-bot> <anticomposite> ./stewardbots/StewardBot/manage.sh restart # Ping timeout not noticed by bot [tools.stewardbots]
2022-10-16 §
23:58 <wm-bot> <anticomposite> ./stewardbots/StewardBot/manage.sh restart # Ping timeout not noticed by bot [tools.stewardbots]
18:05 <wm-bot> <urbanecm> ./SULWatcher/manage.sh restart # all bots down [tools.stewardbots]
2022-10-10 §
23:04 <wm-bot> <anticomposite> ./SULWatcher/manage.sh restert # Ping timeout, all bots disconnected [tools.stewardbots]
23:03 <wm-bot> <anticomposite> ./stewardbots/StewardBot/manage.sh restart # Ping timeout not noticed by the bot [tools.stewardbots]
20:01 <wm-bot> <anticomposite> Restart all bots [tools.stewardbots]
18:37 <wm-bot> <anticomposite> ./stewardbots/SULWatcher/manage.sh restart # All bots disconnected [tools.stewardbots]
16:39 <wm-bot> <deltaquad> restart StewardBot [tools.stewardbots]
2022-10-05 §
16:56 <wm-bot> <anticomposite> ./stewardbots/SULWatcher/manage.sh restart # All bots disconnected [tools.stewardbots]
2022-10-01 §
01:16 <wm-bot> <anticomposite> ./stewardbots/SULWatcher/manage.sh restart [tools.stewardbots]
2022-09-26 §
20:30 <wm-bot> <anticomposite> ./stewardbots/SULWatcher/manage.sh restart # Ping timeout not noticed by bot [tools.stewardbots]
2022-09-01 §
21:14 <wm-bot> <anticomposite> stewardbots/StewardBot/manage.sh restart # Ping timeout not noticed by the bot [tools.stewardbots]
17:10 <urbanecm> tools.stewardbots@tools-sgebastion-10:~$ ./stewardbots/SULWatcher/manage.sh restart [tools.stewardbots]
17:08 <urbanecm> tools.stewardbots@tools-sgebastion-10:~$ ./stewardbots/SULWatcher/manage.sh restart [tools.stewardbots]
2022-08-29 §
00:20 <wm-bot> <anticomposite> stewardbots/StewardBot/manage.sh restart # Ping timeout not noticed by the bot [tools.stewardbots]
2022-08-27 §
18:49 <wm-bot> <anticomposite> stewardbots/StewardBot/manage.sh restart # Ping timeout not noticed by the bot [tools.stewardbots]
18:47 <wm-bot> <anticomposite> SULWatcher/manage.sh restart # All bots disconnected [tools.stewardbots]
2022-08-25 §
19:49 <wm-bot> <anticomposite> stewardbots/StewardBot/manage.sh restart # Ping timeout not noticed by the bot [tools.stewardbots]
2022-08-24 §
00:28 <wm-bot> <anticomposite> SULWatcher/manage.sh restart #all bots disconnected [tools.stewardbots]