251-300 of 567 results (34ms)
2024-01-09 §
18:34 <wm-bot> <anticomposite> ./stewardbots/StewardBot/manage.sh restart # RC not working [tools.stewardbots]
2023-12-29 §
20:33 <wm-bot> <anticomposite> SULWatcher/manage.sh restart # Not connected. [tools.stewardbots]
2023-12-12 §
14:47 <wm-bot> <anticomposite> Deploy 342e464 [tools.stewardbots]
2023-12-01 §
19:17 <wm-bot> <superpes> Restarted StewardBot stucked on IRC [tools.stewardbots]
15:30 <wm-bot> <anticomposite> SULWatcher/manage.sh restart # SULWatchers not restarting on their own [tools.stewardbots]
2023-11-22 §
21:06 <wm-bot> <anticomposite> SULWatcher/manage.sh restart # SULWatchers not restarting on their own [tools.stewardbots]
2023-11-16 §
17:26 <wm-bot> <superpes> Restarted StewardBot stucked on IRC [tools.stewardbots]
2023-11-14 §
15:33 <wm-bot> <superpes> Restarted SULWatcher our of IRC [tools.stewardbots]
15:06 <wm-bot> <taavi> ./stewardbots/StewardBot/manage.sh restart [tools.stewardbots]
2023-11-13 §
21:39 <wm-bot> <anticomposite> SULWatcher/manage.sh restart # SULWatchers disconnected [tools.stewardbots]
2023-11-11 §
02:35 <wm-bot> <anticomposite> SULWatcher/manage.sh restart # SULWatchers disconnected [tools.stewardbots]
2023-11-06 §
10:56 <wm-bot> <superpes> Restarted StewardBot spamming old logs on IRC [tools.stewardbots]
2023-11-04 §
10:38 <wm-bot> <superpes> Restarted SULWatcher stucked on IRC [tools.stewardbots]
2023-11-02 §
17:25 <wm-bot> <superpes> Restarted SULWatcher on Toolforge after receiving Unknown internal error: (0, ''); traceback in console on IRC [tools.stewardbots]
2023-10-31 §
16:13 <wm-bot> <superpes> Restarted StewardBot stucked on IRC [tools.stewardbots]
14:17 <wm-bot> <anticomposite> SULWatcher/manage.sh restart # SULWatchers disconnected [tools.stewardbots]
2023-10-30 §
21:29 <wm-bot> <anticomposite> SULWatcher/manage.sh restart # SULWatcher disconnected [tools.stewardbots]
2023-10-08 §
18:40 <wm-bot> <maurelio> Merged 6170723 and restarted StewardBot to apply it [tools.stewardbots]
2023-09-28 §
14:41 <wm-bot> <anticomposite> SULWatcher/manage.sh restart # Not connected. [tools.stewardbots]
2023-09-27 §
17:42 <wm-bot> <maurelio> Restarted SULWatcher bots. [tools.stewardbots]
2023-09-22 §
02:47 <wm-bot> <anticomposite> ./stewardbots/StewardBot/manage.sh restart # Timed out [tools.stewardbots]
2023-09-15 §
10:52 <wm-bot> <superpes> Restarted SULWatcher stucked on IRC [tools.stewardbots]
2023-09-10 §
17:10 <wm-bot> <anticomposite> ./stewardbots/StewardBot/manage.sh restart # RC not working [tools.stewardbots]
2023-08-26 §
01:12 <wm-bot> <anticomposite> SULWatcher/manage.sh restart # Not connected. spam [tools.stewardbots]
2023-08-23 §
16:20 <wm-bot> <urbanecm> Restart StewardBot, SULWatcher: RC consumer stuck [tools.stewardbots]
2023-08-11 §
13:08 <wm-bot> <samtar> Restarted SULWatcher [tools.stewardbots]
2023-07-26 §
13:41 <wm-bot> <anticomposite> ./stewardbots/StewardBot/manage.sh restart [tools.stewardbots]
2023-07-13 §
08:01 <wm-bot> <superpes> Restarted SULWatcher out of IRC [tools.stewardbots]
2023-07-10 §
20:34 <AntiComposite> Deploy 2146af6, 2aed494 (T341003) [tools.stewardbots]
2023-07-03 §
18:46 <wm-bot> <anticomposite> start webservice since it appeared to not be running for some reason [tools.stewardbots]
2023-06-29 §
18:49 <wm-bot> <samtar> $ SULWatcher/manage.sh restart [tools.stewardbots]
2023-06-22 §
01:25 <wm-bot> <anticomposite> ./stewardbots/StewardBot/manage.sh restart # RC not working [tools.stewardbots]
2023-06-21 §
18:54 <wm-bot> <anticomposite> ./stewardbots/StewardBot/manage.sh restart # RC not working [tools.stewardbots]
2023-06-07 §
17:32 <wm-bot> <anticomposite> ./stewardbots/StewardBot/manage.sh restart # RC not working [tools.stewardbots]
2023-05-31 §
14:05 <wm-bot> <anticomposite> SULWatcher/manage.sh restart # All SULWatchers disconnected [tools.stewardbots]
2023-05-18 §
22:06 <Melos> SULWatcher: soft restart via IRC [tools.stewardbots]
2023-05-08 §
09:42 <wm-bot> <superpes> Restarted StewardBot stucked on IRC [tools.stewardbots]
2023-04-13 §
18:06 <wm-bot> <superpes> Restarted StewardBot stucked on IRC [tools.stewardbots]
2023-04-05 §
13:40 <wm-bot> <maurelio> Restarting the bots [tools.stewardbots]
2023-04-04 §
09:32 <wm-bot> <superpes> Restarted StewardBot stucked on IRC [tools.stewardbots]
2023-04-03 §
14:22 <wm-bot> <superpes> Restarted StewardBot and SULWatchers which dropped out of IRC [tools.stewardbots]
2023-03-28 §
16:05 <wm-bot> <maurelio> Restart StewardBot [tools.stewardbots]
16:02 <wm-bot> <maurelio> Start SULWatcher bots again [tools.stewardbots]
15:58 <wm-bot> <maurelio> Stop sulwatcher k8s deployment until network issues are resolved [tools.stewardbots]
2023-03-23 §
10:06 <wm-bot> <superpes> Restarted StewardBot and SULWatcher stucked on IRC [tools.stewardbots]
2023-03-20 §
09:51 <wm-bot> <urbanecm> Deploy d95dac4ea26 [tools.stewardbots]
2023-03-16 §
18:15 <wm-bot> <anticomposite> SULWatcher/manage.sh start # All SULWatchers disconnected [tools.stewardbots]
18:14 <wm-bot> <anticomposite> SULWatcher/manage.sh restart # All SULWatchers disconnected [tools.stewardbots]
17:40 <wm-bot> <maurelio> Restarted StewardBot; bot silent for several hours. [tools.stewardbots]
2023-03-13 §
18:22 <wm-bot> <urbanecm> ./stewardbots/StewardBot/manage.sh restart # RC not working [tools.stewardbots]