32 results (19ms)
2020-07-30 §
19:56 <bstorm> Reimported the maj_articles_recents table on the replica and started replication again T257273 [tools.totoazero]
2020-07-08 §
20:51 <Framawiki> deployed ee28dfd maj_articles_recents.py [tools.totoazero]
2020-04-30 §
21:32 <Framawiki> deployed 863d1b9 hotarticles.py and others [tools.totoazero]
2020-03-29 §
09:56 <Framawiki> pip installed pathlib2 and upgraded requests to unstuck the bot [tools.totoazero]
2020-03-25 §
21:57 <Framawiki> deployed 5c07be5 hotarticles.py _errorhandler.py [tools.totoazero]
21:37 <Framawiki> deployed 482ee9a hotarticles.py [tools.totoazero]
2020-03-24 §
23:47 <Framawiki> deployed 893fd2b hotarticles.py _errorhandler.py [tools.totoazero]
2020-03-08 §
11:59 <Framawiki> qdeled job 2029555 maj_articles_recents stuck since few weeks [tools.totoazero]
2020-02-28 §
17:54 <wm-bot> <root> Migrated to 2020 Kubernetes cluster [tools.totoazero]
2020-02-26 §
20:11 <wm-bot> <root> Reverted to legacy Kubernetes cluster [tools.totoazero]
17:19 <wm-bot> <root> Migrated to 2020 Kubernetes cluster [tools.totoazero]
2020-02-13 §
21:57 <Framawiki> edited crons to use new specific py2 pwb.py endpoint since T213287 [tools.totoazero]
2020-02-08 §
22:53 <Framawiki> qdeled job 2929463 maj_articles_recents stuck for one month [tools.totoazero]
2019-09-21 §
23:05 <Framawiki> Further commits can be listed on github and thus their deployment will probably not be copied here too all the time [tools.totoazero]
23:02 <Framawiki> Deployed ea19353, file restructuring so that the scripts used are in a clean repo cloned from github [tools.totoazero]
2019-02-24 §
13:35 <framawiki> moved webservice to stretch, now using kubernetes backend https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/News/Toolforge_Trusty_deprecation [tools.totoazero]
13:26 <framawiki> moved jobs to stretch, recreated the venv https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/News/Toolforge_Trusty_deprecation [tools.totoazero]
2019-02-20 §
22:34 <framawiki> disabled forum_nouveaux cronjob, broken, missing data in sql tables? [tools.totoazero]
2018-11-21 §
20:00 <framawiki> deployed sysops_archives_new 122ad65 [tools.totoazero]
2018-10-31 §
20:24 <framawiki> deployed drp_warn a0b88c1 [tools.totoazero]
2018-10-28 §
06:28 <framawiki> deployed drp_warn f3ee81b, cleaned crontab [tools.totoazero]
2018-10-06 §
17:02 <framawiki> qdeled 5794887 too, stuck unblock job [tools.totoazero]
16:50 <framawiki> qdeled 5323359 and 5794089, maj_articles_recents jobs who were stuck since Mon Sep 17 and Thu Sep 27 [tools.totoazero]
2018-09-27 §
19:01 <framawiki> deployed sysop_archives 360f4d0 [tools.totoazero]
2018-09-01 §
10:05 <framawiki> disabled drp_warn due to infinite loop [tools.totoazero]
2018-06-24 §
22:46 <framawiki2> deploy forum_nouveaux 86d4cc5 [tools.totoazero]
21:01 <framawiki> deploy modeles_sans_dates 36abc07 [tools.totoazero]
20:27 <framawiki> deploy drp_warn 174f560 & 31a837c ; forum_nouveaux 8af8d48 [tools.totoazero]
2018-06-22 §
22:25 <framawiki> deploy sysops_archives.py sysops_archives_new.py sysops_archives_renew.py 4a599b6 https://github.com/Toto-Azero/Wikipedia/pull/12 [tools.totoazero]
20:56 <framawiki> deploy drp_warn.py 4aebda8 https://github.com/Toto-Azero/Wikipedia/pull/11 [tools.totoazero]
20:06 <framawiki> create a "sql-dump.sh" script with corresponding daily cron and 7d old cleaner to mysqldump tool db [tools.totoazero]
2018-06-08 §
19:02 <framawiki> "qstat" says that job 3838834 maj_articles_recents is live still 04/13/2018 (?) but logs indicate that it's currently stuck, so "qdel 3838834", cron has restarted it and it's editing again [tools.totoazero]