51-100 of 3409 results (19ms)
2022-01-26 §
18:32 <wm-bot> depooled grid node tools-sgeexec-10-6 - cookbook ran by arturo@nostromo [tools]
18:31 <wm-bot> depooled grid node tools-sgeexec-10-5 - cookbook ran by arturo@nostromo [tools]
18:30 <wm-bot> depooled grid node tools-sgeexec-10-4 - cookbook ran by arturo@nostromo [tools]
18:28 <wm-bot> depooled grid node tools-sgeexec-10-3 - cookbook ran by arturo@nostromo [tools]
18:27 <wm-bot> depooled grid node tools-sgeexec-10-2 - cookbook ran by arturo@nostromo [tools]
18:27 <wm-bot> depooled grid node tools-sgeexec-10-1 - cookbook ran by arturo@nostromo [tools]
13:55 <arturo> scaling up the buster web grid with 5 lighttd and 2 generic nodes (T277653) [tools]
2022-01-25 §
11:50 <wm-bot> reconfiguring the grid by using grid-configurator - cookbook ran by arturo@nostromo [tools]
11:44 <arturo> rebooting buster exec nodes [tools]
08:34 <taavi> sign puppet certificate for tools-sgeexec-10-4 [tools]
2022-01-24 §
17:44 <wm-bot> reconfiguring the grid by using grid-configurator - cookbook ran by arturo@nostromo [tools]
15:22 <arturo> scaling up the grid with 10 buster exec nodes (T277653) [tools]
2022-01-20 §
17:05 <arturo> drop 9 of the 10 buster exec nodes created earlier. They didn't get DNS records [tools]
12:56 <arturo> scaling up the grid with 10 buster exec nodes (T277653) [tools]
2022-01-19 §
17:34 <andrewbogott> rebooting tools-sgeexec-0913.tools.eqiad1.wikimedia.cloud to recover from (presumed) fallout from the scratch/nfs move [tools]
2022-01-14 §
19:09 <taavi> set /var/run/lighttpd as world-writable on all lighttpd webgrid nodes, T299243 [tools]
2022-01-12 §
11:27 <arturo> created puppet prefix `tools-sgeweblight`, drop `tools-sgeweblig` [tools]
11:03 <arturo> created puppet prefix 'tools-sgeweblig' [tools]
11:02 <arturo> created puppet prefix 'toolsbeta-sgeweblig' [tools]
2022-01-04 §
17:18 <bd808> tools-acme-chief-01: sudo service acme-chief restart [tools]
08:12 <taavi> disable puppet & exim4 on T298501 [tools]
2021-12-31 §
19:48 <taavi> reset grid error status on webgrid-lighttpd@tools-sgewebgrid-lighttpd-0915 [tools]
2021-12-28 §
20:31 <taavi> restarting acme-chief to debug T298353 [tools]
2021-12-24 §
07:58 <majavah> cleared error state from 4 webgrid-lighttpd nodes [tools]
2021-12-23 §
22:57 <bd808> Marked tool stang for deletion (T296496) [tools]
22:56 <bd808> Marked tool wplist for deletion (T295523) [tools]
22:56 <bd808> Marked tool antigng for deletion (T294708) [tools]
22:55 <bd808> Marked tool ytrb for deletion (T291909) [tools]
22:54 <bd808> Marked tool geolink for deletion (T291801) [tools]
22:54 <bd808> Marked tool wmf-task-samtar for deletion (T286622) [tools]
22:53 <bd808> Marked tool coi for deletion (T286619) [tools]
22:52 <bd808> Marked tool abusereport for deletion (T286618) [tools]
22:51 <bd808> Marked tool chi for deletion (T282702) [tools]
22:43 <bd808> Marked tool algo-news for deletion (T280444) [tools]
22:43 <bd808> Marked tool ircclient for deletion (T279209) [tools]
22:42 <bd808> Marked tool vagrant-test for deletion (T279209) [tools]
22:42 <bd808> Marked tool vagrant2 for deletion (T279209) [tools]
22:42 <bd808> Marked tool testwiki for deletion (T279209) [tools]
22:41 <bd808> Marked tool zoranzoki21wiki for deletion (T279209) [tools]
22:41 <bd808> Marked tool zoranzoki21bot for deletion (T279209) [tools]
22:40 <bd808> Marked tool filesearch for deletion (T279209) [tools]
22:40 <bd808> Marked tool sourceror for deletion (T275690) [tools]
22:39 <bd808> Marked tool move for deletion (T270535) [tools]
22:38 <bd808> Marked tool hastagwatcher for deletion (T270534) [tools]
22:37 <bd808> Marked tool outreacy-wikicv for deletion (T270532) [tools]
22:36 <bd808> Marked tool dawiki for deletion (T270105) [tools]
22:33 <bd808> Marked tool rubinbot3 for deletion (T266963) [tools]
22:32 <bd808> Marked tool rubinbot2 for deletion (T266963) [tools]
22:32 <bd808> Marked tool rubinbot for deletion (T266963) [tools]
22:31 <bd808> Marked tool google-drive-photos-to-commons for deletion (T259870) [tools]