201-250 of 852 results (25ms)
2022-01-12 §
11:00 <wm-bot> created node toolsbeta-sgeexec-10-6.toolsbeta.eqiad1.wikimedia.cloud and added it to the grid - cookbook ran by arturo@nostromo [toolsbeta]
2022-01-11 §
11:11 <wm-bot> created a grid exec node toolsbeta-sgeexec-10-5.toolsbeta.eqiad1.wikimedia.cloud - cookbook ran by arturo@nostromo [toolsbeta]
09:20 <wm-bot> reconfiguring the grid by using grid-configurator - cookbook ran by arturo@nostromo [toolsbeta]
2021-12-23 §
13:32 <wm-bot> trying to join node toolsbeta-sgewebgen-10-3.toolsbeta.eqiad1.wikimedia.cloud to the grid cluster in toolsbeta. - cookbook ran by arturo@endurance [toolsbeta]
12:11 <wm-bot> Added a new grid webgrid generic node toolsbeta-sgewebgen-10-4.toolsbeta.eqiad1.wikimedia.cloud to the pool - cookbook ran by arturo@endurance [toolsbeta]
11:58 <wm-bot> node toolsbeta-sgewebgen-10-2.toolsbeta.eqiad1.wikimedia.cloud joined the grid cluster in toolsbeta. - cookbook ran by arturo@endurance [toolsbeta]
11:40 <wm-bot> Adding a new grid webgrid generic node - cookbook ran by arturo@endurance [toolsbeta]
11:26 <wm-bot> Joining grid node toolsbeta-sgewebgen-10-2.toolsbeta.eqiad1.wikimedia.cloud to the toolsbeta cluster - cookbook ran by arturo@endurance [toolsbeta]
11:25 <wm-bot> Joining grid node toolsbeta-sgewebgen-10-2 to the toolsbeta cluster - cookbook ran by arturo@endurance [toolsbeta]
11:24 <wm-bot> Adding a new grid webgrid generic node - cookbook ran by arturo@endurance [toolsbeta]
10:59 <wm-bot> Adding a new grid webgrid generic node - cookbook ran by arturo@endurance [toolsbeta]
10:34 <wm-bot> Adding a new grid webgrid generic node - cookbook ran by arturo@endurance [toolsbeta]
10:31 <wm-bot> reconfiguring the grid by using grid-configurator - cookbook ran by arturo@endurance [toolsbeta]
2021-12-22 §
12:02 <wm-bot> reconfiguring the grid by using grid-configurator - cookbook ran by arturo@endurance [toolsbeta]
12:02 <wm-bot> reconfiguring the grid by using grid-configurator - cookbook ran by arturo@endurance [toolsbeta]
12:01 <wm-bot> reconfiguring the grid by using grid-configurator - cookbook ran by arturo@endurance [toolsbeta]
11:24 <wm-bot> removing instance toolsbeta-sgewebgen-09-1 - cookbook ran by arturo@endurance [toolsbeta]
11:21 <wm-bot> removing grid node toolsbeta-sgewebgen-09-1 (depool/drain, remove VM and reconfigure grid) - cookbook ran by arturo@endurance [toolsbeta]
11:19 <wm-bot> depooled grid node toolsbeta-sgewebgen-10-1 - cookbook ran by arturo@endurance [toolsbeta]
10:42 <wm-bot> depooled grid node toolsbeta-sgewebgen-10-1 - cookbook ran by arturo@endurance [toolsbeta]
2021-12-21 §
16:32 <wm-bot> removing instance toolsbeta-sgewebgen-10-2 - cookbook ran by arturo@endurance [toolsbeta]
16:24 <wm-bot> Node toolsbeta-sgewebgen-10-3.toolsbeta.eqiad1.wikimedia.cloud joined the grid cluster toolsbeta. - cookbook ran by arturo@endurance [toolsbeta]
16:24 <wm-bot> Joining grid node toolsbeta-sgewebgen-10-3.toolsbeta.eqiad1.wikimedia.cloud to the toolsbeta cluster - cookbook ran by arturo@endurance [toolsbeta]
12:50 <wm-bot> Joining grid node toolsbeta-sgewebgen-10-3.toolsbeta.eqiad1.wikimedia.cloud to the toolsbeta cluster - cookbook ran by arturo@endurance [toolsbeta]
12:07 <wm-bot> Joining grid node toolsbeta-sgewebgen-10-3.toolsbeta.eqiad1.wikimedia.cloud to the toolsbeta cluster - cookbook ran by arturo@endurance [toolsbeta]
12:04 <wm-bot> Node toolsbeta-sgewebgen-10-3.toolsbeta.eqiad1.wikimedia.cloud joined the grid cluster toolsbeta. - cookbook ran by arturo@endurance [toolsbeta]
12:04 <wm-bot> Joining grid node toolsbeta-sgewebgen-10-3.toolsbeta.eqiad1.wikimedia.cloud to the toolsbeta cluster - cookbook ran by arturo@endurance [toolsbeta]
12:03 <wm-bot> Node toolsbeta-sgewebgen-10-2.toolsbeta.eqiad1.wikimedia.cloud joined the grid cluster toolsbeta. - cookbook ran by arturo@endurance [toolsbeta]
12:03 <wm-bot> Joining grid node toolsbeta-sgewebgen-10-2.toolsbeta.eqiad1.wikimedia.cloud to the toolsbeta cluster - cookbook ran by arturo@endurance [toolsbeta]
11:48 <wm-bot> Joining grid node toolsbeta-sgewebgen-10-2.toolsbeta.eqiad1.wikimedia.cloud to the toolsbeta cluster - cookbook ran by arturo@endurance [toolsbeta]
11:06 <arturo> bump quotas, instances from 50 to 55, CPU from 100 to 150, RAM from 200GB to 250GB (T277653) [toolsbeta]
2021-12-16 §
12:46 <wm-bot> Joining grid node toolsbeta-sgewebgen-10-1.toolsbeta.eqiad1.wikimedia.cloud to the toolsbeta cluster - cookbook ran by arturo@endurance [toolsbeta]
2021-12-15 §
14:03 <wm-bot> Adding a new grid webgrid generic node - cookbook ran by arturo@endurance [toolsbeta]
13:31 <wm-bot> Adding a new grid webgrid generic node - cookbook ran by arturo@endurance [toolsbeta]
13:29 <wm-bot> Adding a new grid webgrid generic node - cookbook ran by arturo@endurance [toolsbeta]
2021-12-08 §
05:15 <andrewbogott> moving toolsbeta-test-k8s-etcd-17 to cloudvirt1028 [toolsbeta]
2021-11-28 §
17:44 <andrewbogott> moving toolsbeta-test-k8s-etcd-17 to cloudvirt1019; cloudvirt1018 (its old host) has a degraded raid which is affecting performance [toolsbeta]
2021-11-16 §
12:37 <majavah> testing calico 3.21 upgrade T292698 [toolsbeta]
2021-11-05 §
19:07 <majavah> testing registry-admission changes [toolsbeta]
2021-10-28 §
12:48 <arturo> update ingress-nginx via helm for `--watch-ingress-without-class=true` [toolsbeta]
2021-10-25 §
14:41 <majavah> deploy ingress-nginx v1.0.4 to toolsbeta via helm, diff only changes the image T292771 [toolsbeta]
2021-10-20 §
12:15 <majavah> upload toolforge-webservice 0.78 to stretch,buster,bullsye-toolsbeta repositories [toolsbeta]
2021-10-16 §
07:47 <majavah> deployed cert-manager and wave as a test for automating T292238 [toolsbeta]
2021-10-14 §
15:02 <wm-bot> Joining grid node toolsbeta-sgewebgen-09-1.toolsbeta.eqiad1.wikimedia.cloud to the toolsbeta cluster - cookbook ran by dcaro@vulcanus [toolsbeta]
15:01 <wm-bot> Joining grid node toolsbeta-sgewebgen-09-1.toolsbeta.eqiad1.wikimedia.cloud to the toolsbeta cluster - cookbook ran by dcaro@vulcanus [toolsbeta]
15:00 <wm-bot> Joining grid node toolsbeta-sgewebgen-09-1.toolsbeta.eqiad1.wikimedia.cloud to the toolsbeta cluster - cookbook ran by dcaro@vulcanus [toolsbeta]
2021-10-13 §
11:18 <wm-bot> Added a new grid webgrid generic node toolsbeta-sgewebgen-09-1.toolsbeta.eqiad1.wikimedia.cloud to the pool (T292465) - cookbook ran by dcaro@vulcanus [toolsbeta]
10:19 <wm-bot> Adding a new grid webgrid generic node (T292465) - cookbook ran by dcaro@vulcanus [toolsbeta]
10:19 <wm-bot> Adding a new grid webgrid generic node (T292465) - cookbook ran by dcaro@vulcanus [toolsbeta]
2021-10-12 §
16:10 <wm-bot> Adding a new grid webgrid generic node (T292465) - cookbook ran by dcaro@vulcanus [toolsbeta]