13 results (26ms)
2024-07-17 §
23:55 <andrewbogott> stopping all VMs due to lack of response on T367560 [wikicommunityhealth]
2024-06-20 §
14:44 <taavi@cloudcumin1001> END (PASS) - Cookbook wmcs.openstack.migrate_project_to_ovs (exit_code=0) [wikicommunityhealth]
14:42 <taavi@cloudcumin1001> START - Cookbook wmcs.openstack.migrate_project_to_ovs [wikicommunityhealth]
2021-08-04 §
16:11 <dcaro> rebooted the VM and it's back up, with prompt on virsh, and reachable through ssh, CristianCantoro can you try and confirm?(T288069) [wikicommunityhealth]
16:06 <dcaro> rebuilt backend instance without the attached volume, and the instance is up and reachable, will try with the volume (T288069) [wikicommunityhealth]
16:00 <dcaro> rebuilding backend instance to debug initialization process (T288069) [wikicommunityhealth]
13:16 <dcaro> migrated the backend vm to cloudvirt1040, same host as frontend, still getting stuck at boot (T288069) [wikicommunityhealth]
12:42 <dcaro> the server seems to run cloud-init every time it boots (T288069) [wikicommunityhealth]
12:38 <dcaro> stopping backend instance (T288069) [wikicommunityhealth]
12:19 <dcaro> rebooting backend instance (T288069) [wikicommunityhealth]
2021-07-28 §
16:52 <andrewbogott> rebooting VM 'backend', unreachable and hanging [wikicommunityhealth]
2021-07-14 §
20:22 <balloons> set quota to 600gb, 20 cores, 48g RAM T284687 [wikicommunityhealth]
2021-04-15 §
12:57 <arturo> allow dumps NFS share (T279558) [wikicommunityhealth]