20 results (23ms)
2019-11-20 §
16:08 <andrewbogott> deleting project per communciation with Nuria [wikimetrics]
2018-12-18 §
14:08 <andrewbogott> moving project to eqiad1-r [wikimetrics]
2016-01-15 §
21:28 <milimetric> importing db data to new prod server [wikimetrics]
21:28 <milimetric> set up symlinks for static files on new prod server [wikimetrics]
21:27 <milimetric> stopping old prod queue and scheduler [wikimetrics]
02:20 <madhuvishy> Add rest of analytics team as wikimetrics project admins [wikimetrics]
01:09 <madhuvishy> Found more config path issues for the scheduler. Fixed. All services are running on prod wikimetrics [wikimetrics]
00:53 <madhuvishy> Setup temporary proxy to metrics-prod.wmflabs.org. All good, web and queue are up, scheduler seems to be failing though [wikimetrics]
00:49 <madhuvishy> Deploying to prod wikimetrics, which also restarts all services. So good so far [wikimetrics]
00:47 <madhuvishy> Fixed some things in wikimetrics and wikimetrics-deploy for db creation and migration to work. Prod server initialize stage complete [wikimetrics]
2016-01-14 §
23:35 <madhuvishy> Tried setting up prod server - figured mysql-client missing on prod - added to puppet [wikimetrics]
23:26 <madhuvishy> Add role::wikimetrics(prod role), rerun puppet [wikimetrics]
23:25 <madhuvishy> Make new prod instance wikimetrics-01.wikimetrics, force puppet run [wikimetrics]
23:11 <madhuvishy> ran into some path issues - fixed in source - redeploying [wikimetrics]
22:47 <madhuvishy> Last step: fab staging restart_wikimetrics, setup proxy again - and something is wrong [wikimetrics]
22:38 <madhuvishy> Deployment step 2: Ran fab staging deploy - good again [wikimetrics]
22:36 <madhuvishy> Deployment step 1: Ran fab staging initialize_server - all good [wikimetrics]
22:35 <madhuvishy> Recreated wikimetrics-staging, force puppet run [wikimetrics]
22:33 <madhuvishy> Recreated wikimetrics-staging, force puppet run [wikimetrics]
22:30 <madhuvishy> Taking down wikimetrics-staging.wikimetrics to replace with non self hosted instance [wikimetrics]