48 results (24ms)
2024-06-24 §
19:40 <andrew@cloudcumin1001> END (PASS) - Cookbook wmcs.openstack.migrate_project_to_ovs (exit_code=0) [wikisp]
19:38 <andrew@cloudcumin1001> START - Cookbook wmcs.openstack.migrate_project_to_ovs [wikisp]
2024-06-21 §
16:08 <andrew@cloudcumin1001> END (PASS) - Cookbook wmcs.openstack.migrate_dbinstance_to_ovs (exit_code=0) for server tbd [wikisp]
16:00 <andrew@cloudcumin1001> START - Cookbook wmcs.openstack.migrate_dbinstance_to_ovs for server tbd [wikisp]
2024-05-21 §
00:38 <baskerville> Sunsetting mars T364052 [wikisp]
2024-05-18 §
03:24 <baskerville> Sunsetting apollo VM and rising diana VM per T364052 [wikisp]
03:14 <baskerville> Rising venus VM per T364052 [wikisp]
03:13 <baskerville> Sunsetting mars VM per T364052 [wikisp]
2024-05-04 §
22:52 <Baskerville> Re-attach cinder volume on Mars [wikisp]
2024-04-29 §
14:35 <Baskerville> Add Davevzla as project user [wikisp]
2024-01-09 §
04:50 <Baskerville> Regular maintenance to the VM [wikisp]
2023-10-23 §
19:40 <Baskerville> Deleted ceres-01 - T349555 [wikisp]
2023-10-22 §
20:03 <Baskerville> Mars: Updating packages [wikisp]
2023-10-18 §
04:18 <Baskerville> Mars: Removed role simplelamp2 [wikisp]
2023-10-10 §
08:01 <Spookyville> Mars: update php7.4 to php8.1 [wikisp]
06:11 <Spookyville> Updating dependences on Mars [wikisp]
06:08 <Spookyville> Restart mariadb and change datadir from /srv/sqldata to /var/lib/mysql [wikisp]
2023-09-29 §
04:14 <Baskerville> apollo: Updating zammad to 6.1 [wikisp]
04:08 <Baskerville> mars: Updating dependences [wikisp]
2023-07-05 §
04:22 <Baskerville> mars: Updated packages [wikisp]
2023-06-16 §
17:46 <Baskerville> Updating Zammad to 6.0 — T321764 [wikisp]
2023-03-23 §
06:36 <Deus> Maintenance on Mars [wikisp]
2023-03-13 §
04:10 <Deus> ceres-01: Change datadir to /var/lib/mysql (T329571) [wikisp]
03:07 <Deus> Maintenance on apollo, mars and ceres-01 (T331803) [wikisp]
2023-01-10 §
04:09 <Deus> Elemental maintenance to all vm [wikisp]
2022-11-06 §
04:57 <Deus> Mars: recreate instance after reboot corruption on database [wikisp]
04:41 <Deus> Mars: reboot [wikisp]
2022-11-05 §
05:44 <Deus> Mars: Enabling limesurvey instance [wikisp]
05:10 <Deus> Mars: Added puppet role::simplelamp2 [wikisp]
2022-10-31 §
00:12 <Deus> Removing role::simplelamp2 from ceres-01 [wikisp]
2022-10-30 §
10:04 <Deus> Rebuild mars-01 (T321763) [wikisp]
2022-10-16 §
05:49 <Spookyville> [apollo] Update zammad instance to 5.3 [wikisp]
2022-10-15 §
08:01 <Spookyville> [Mars] Limesurvey instance updated [wikisp]
06:11 <Spookyville> Maintenance on mars [wikisp]
2022-06-25 §
06:34 <Aldrich> Apollo: Update zammad from 5.0 to 5.2 (T311332) [wikisp]
2021-11-13 §
02:13 <Deus> Apollo: Updated zammad instance to version 5.0 (T295629) [wikisp]
2021-10-27 §
04:20 <Spookyville> limesurvey instance on Mars VM enabled [wikisp]
2021-10-26 §
05:35 <Spookyville> moodle instance on Mars VM enabled (T289309) [wikisp]
2021-10-25 §
04:26 <Spookyville> Mars instance launched (again) [wikisp]
2021-10-09 §
00:18 <DeusExMachina> Deleted mars-01 per T292884 [wikisp]
2021-08-27 §
02:03 <DeusExMachina> Mars instance, destroyed. Per T286695 [wikisp]
2021-08-20 §
15:56 <Globgor> Bacchus instance rebuilded [wikisp]
00:49 <Globgor> Bacchus instance (Limesurvey + Moodle) launched [wikisp]
00:40 <Globgor> Destroyed mars instance [wikisp]
2021-08-19 §
23:08 <Globgor> Ceres instance launched (T289312) [wikisp]
23:02 <Globgor> Mars instance launched (T289307) [wikisp]
22:45 <Globgor> Zammad installed on Apollo (T289305) [wikisp]
16:24 <Globgor> Apollo instance (Zammad + Elasticsearch) launched [wikisp]