12 results (23ms)
2020-04-30 §
20:31 <bd808> Deleting project; service migrated to Toolforge (T236551) [wikistream]
20:11 <bd808> Deleted ws-web.wikistream.eqiad.wmflabs (T236551) [wikistream]
17:31 <bd808> Shutdown ws-web.wikistream.eqiad.wmflabs (T236551) [wikistream]
16:50 <bd808> Added BryanDavis (self) as project admin (T236551) [wikistream]
2020-04-13 §
21:15 <andrewbogott> rebooting host ws-web [wikistream]
2018-12-19 §
15:24 <andrewbogott> moving instances to eqiad1-r [wikistream]
2018-03-28 §
18:35 <andrewbogott> rebooting ws-web to recover from a full / [wikistream]
2018-03-23 §
19:37 <andrewbogott> rebooted ws-web in an attempt to revive it after running out of disk space [wikistream]
19:35 <andrewbogott> cleared out some HUGE logfiles on ws-web [wikistream]
2018-01-23 §
20:52 <chasemp> restart varnish adn wikistream for 502 but no effect [wikistream]
2018-01-09 §
01:37 <andrewbogott> rebooting ws-web, enabling puppet, truncating syslog, etc. Drive is full so I can't make it any worse [wikistream]
2017-03-31 §
13:41 <andrewbogott> deleting shutoff precise instance 'wikistream-web' [wikistream]