35 results (28ms)
2025-01-14 §
16:58 <MacFan4000> reboot wm-bot-bookworm [wm-bot]
2024-07-18 §
17:21 <MacFan4000> deleted unused buster instances [wm-bot]
2024-06-20 §
16:40 <andrew@cloudcumin1001> END (FAIL) - Cookbook wmcs.openstack.migrate_project_to_ovs (exit_code=1) [wm-bot]
16:40 <andrew@cloudcumin1001> START - Cookbook wmcs.openstack.migrate_project_to_ovs [wm-bot]
16:30 <dhinus> restarted after crash [wm-bot]
2024-03-29 §
17:58 <MacFan4000> full restart following disconnection [wm-bot]
2023-12-21 §
18:10 <MacFan4000> full restart of bot + xmlrcs following disconnection [wm-bot]
2023-06-29 §
17:40 <MacFan4000> completed bookworm migration [wm-bot]
2023-06-26 §
17:22 <MacFan4000> migrating pgsql data over to wm-bot-pg2-bookworm [wm-bot]
01:51 <MacFan4000> created two bookworm instances [wm-bot]
2023-06-24 §
16:07 <MacFan4000> performing updates on wm-bot-pg2 [wm-bot]
2023-02-13 §
19:56 <MacFan4000> full restart following outage [wm-bot]
2023-01-17 §
18:27 <MacFan4000> full restart due to disconnection [wm-bot]
2022-12-13 §
03:16 <MacFan4000> locally applied fixes to stop the apache error log from filling up with spam [wm-bot]
2022-12-12 §
23:49 <MacFan4000> clear apache logs to free up space [wm-bot]
2022-11-21 §
20:09 <MacFan4000> updated xmlrcs url in config [wm-bot]
2022-10-19 §
23:02 <legoktm> Added `AddDefaultCharset utf-8` to apache config on bawolff's request [wm-bot]
2022-08-16 §
20:31 <MacFan4000> hard restart (killed procs + removed pids, then ran restart) due to bot failing to reconnect [wm-bot]
2022-08-03 §
21:04 <MacFan4000> manually fix nicks via telnet [wm-bot]
2022-04-19 §
18:06 <MacFan4000> updated a cloak in the admins config [wm-bot]
2022-04-05 §
14:28 <MacFan4000> fix nick of an instance via telnet [wm-bot]
2022-02-15 §
03:28 <MacFan4000> updated cloak in admins config [wm-bot]
2021-06-15 §
15:28 <MacFan4000> copied freenode channel config for #wikimedia-fundraising to libera [wm-bot]
12:54 <MacFan4000> killed a few lingering connections to freenode (wm-bot on freenode is now discontinued) [wm-bot]
2021-06-14 §
21:29 <MacFan4000> copied freenode config for #cvn-sw to libera [wm-bot]
2021-06-12 §
23:56 <MacFan4000> copied channel config for #cvn-es-scan, #cvn-wp-fa and #countervandalism [wm-bot]
2021-05-28 §
20:08 <legoktm> added billinghurst as project admin [wm-bot]
2021-01-28 §
00:01 <MacFan4000> (logging) Restarted from #MacFan4000 where there was a functioning instance [wm-bot]
2020-10-06 §
06:01 <Matthew> Restarted bot completely, two instances refused to reconnect. [wm-bot]
2020-05-19 §
15:10 <MacFan4000> did @system-rejoin-all and @restart from #MacFan4000, as the bot wasn't responding in #wm-bot [wm-bot]
2020-03-08 §
04:30 <bd808> Deleted jessie instances wm-bot-pg and wm-bot2 (T236564) [wm-bot]
2020-01-07 §
15:09 <jeh> log archive missing for some channels since 2019-12-16, restarted wm-bot service on wm-bot2 [wm-bot]
2019-06-24 §
11:02 <arturo> updated some SQL data [wm-bot]
2018-12-11 §
15:06 <andrewbogott> moving project to eqiad1-r [wm-bot]
2018-06-28 §
21:00 <bd808> Restarted apache2 on wm-bot2.wm-bot.eqiad.wmflabs; web interface to logs was unresponsive [wm-bot]