1-50 of 6243 results (35ms)
2025-03-26 §
10:20 <joal> Deploying refinery (scap + hdfs) [analytics]
2025-03-25 §
08:56 <joal> Manually warm HDFS cache as deployment ofairflow-dags/analytics doesn't synchronize artifacts from aiflow-dags/main [analytics]
08:37 <joal> Deploying Airflow-analytics using scap (for artifacts synchronization) [analytics]
08:28 <joal> refinery deployed (scap + hdfs) [analytics]
08:28 <joal> refinery-source released (v0.2.59) [analytics]
2025-03-24 §
14:53 <joal> Refinery deployed (scap+hdfs) [analytics]
11:04 <btullis> rebooting an-mariadb1001 for T376800 [analytics]
2025-03-20 §
11:13 <btullis> restarting ceph-mds@cephosd1004.service for T389470 [analytics]
2025-03-18 §
19:18 <dr0ptp4kt> Deployed refinery using scap, then deployed onto hdfs (concludes Deploying Refinery at 37a2ddf for c1126977 / T388654 tlwikisource to allowlist) [analytics]
19:03 <dr0ptp4kt> Deploying Refinery at 37a2ddf for c1126977 / T388654 tlwikisource to allowlist [analytics]
2025-03-17 §
19:30 <xcollazo> Ran "DELETE FROM wmf_content.mediawiki_content_history_v1 WHERE wiki_id = 'muswiki'" to delete bad data. T388715. [analytics]
2025-03-14 §
08:18 <gehel> clear APT cache on stat1011 (`sudo apt-get clean`) [analytics]
2025-03-13 §
13:48 <stevemunene> restart the hadoop-hdfs-namenode service on an-master1004 to pick up the new hosts as well T388512 [analytics]
13:45 <stevemunene> fail over the hadoop namenode services from an-master1004 to an-master1003 [analytics]
11:03 <stevemunene> roll restart hadoop master hosts to pick up new hosts an-worker1[187-208] T388512 [analytics]
10:50 <stevemunene> disable puppet on an-worker1[187-208] to bring them into the hadoop cluster in batches T388512 [analytics]
2025-03-12 §
19:04 <sandraebele> deploying refinery [analytics]
17:44 <sandraebele> deploying refinery source as part of weekly deployment train [analytics]
12:38 <brouberol> scaling down all cirrus-streaming-consumer deployments to 0 replicas, in both eqiad and codfw [analytics]
2025-03-10 §
20:43 <btullis> deployed update to version of refinery jar used for refinery_sanitize jobs - re: T388417 [analytics]
14:13 <brouberol> reassigning 10 partitions of webrequest_frontend_text on kafka-jumbo-eqiad [analytics]
10:20 <stevemunene> reimaging dse-k8s-etcd1002 [analytics]
10:09 <joal> Update webrequest_frontend acceptance threadholds to generate refined data despite sequence non-matching problem [analytics]
09:56 <stevemunene> stop etcd.service on dse-k8s-etcd1002 to initialise election of new leader cluster to allow reimage of dse-k8s-etcd1002 T377875 [analytics]
2025-03-07 §
11:08 <btullis> re-running refine_event for missing targets. [analytics]
2025-03-06 §
23:20 <joal> Force killing gobblin failing job to let next one with patched code run [analytics]
23:19 <joal> Deploying refinery onto an-launcher1002 to remove recentchange from gobblin [analytics]
13:30 <stevemunene> initialize election of new leader on dse-k8s-etcd cluster to allow reimage of dse-k8s-etcd1002 T377875 [analytics]
07:37 <stevemunene> reimaging dse-k8s-etcd1003 [analytics]
07:31 <stevemunene> removing dse-k8s-etcd1003 from the dse-k8s cluster to allow a reimage to bookworm T377875 [analytics]
06:11 <stevemunene> reimaging dse-k8s-etcd1001 [analytics]
06:06 <stevemunene> removing dse-k8s-etcd1001 from the dse-k8s cluster to allow a reimage to bookworm T377875 [analytics]
2025-03-05 §
15:25 <stevemunene> reimaging dse-k8s-ctrl1002 [analytics]
15:24 <stevemunene> draining and depooling dse-k8s-ctrl1002 ready for reimage to bookworm and containerd for T377875 [analytics]
2025-03-04 §
19:33 <xcollazo> Deploy latet DAGs for analytics Airflow instance. T387906. [analytics]
11:47 <joal> backfilling webrequest_frontend [analytics]
11:23 <joal> Deploying airflow-dags/analytics [analytics]
11:12 <joal> Deploy refinery to HDFS [analytics]
11:06 <joal> Deploying refinery using scap [analytics]
2025-02-24 §
20:34 <xcollazo> Deployed refinery using scap, then deployed onto hdfs [analytics]
20:00 <xcollazo> Doing a refinery deployment (refinery only, not refinery-source). T384531. [analytics]
2025-02-21 §
18:34 <xcollazo> Deployed latest DAGs for the analytics Airflow instance. T387033. [analytics]
2025-02-13 §
20:24 <xcollazo> deployed latest DAGs to analytics Airflow instance. T386114. [analytics]
18:04 <stevemunene> reimaging dse-k8s-worker1009 [analytics]
18:01 <stevemunene> draining dse-k8s-worker1009 ready for reimage to bookworm and containerd for T377875 [analytics]
17:12 <stevemunene> reimaging dse-k8s-worker1008 [analytics]
17:06 <stevemunene> draining dse-k8s-worker1008 ready for reimage to bookworm and containerd for T377875 [analytics]
16:20 <stevemunene> reimaging dse-k8s-worker1007 [analytics]
16:17 <stevemunene> draining dse-k8s-worker1007 ready for reimage to bookworm and containerd for T377875 [analytics]
14:35 <stevemunene> reimaging dse-k8s-worker1006 [analytics]