101-150 of 6244 results (29ms)
2024-12-20 §
11:05 <btullis> restarted hadoop-mapreduce-historyserver.service on an-master1003 for T382575 [analytics]
2024-12-19 §
13:43 <joal> Purging data rentained for more than 90 days after backfill is done [analytics]
2024-12-16 §
19:31 <joal> Deploy analytics-airflow for pageview-hourly backfill [analytics]
11:02 <joal> 2024_12-Backfill Launch jobs dependent on pageview_actor from Airflow (8 jobs) [analytics]
09:41 <joal> Replace pageview_actor data by backfilled correction [analytics]
2024-12-10 §
21:00 <mforns> re-ran commons_impact_metrics_monthly 2024-11 and cleared dependent DAGs which had timed out [analytics]
20:56 <mforns> deployed airflow-analytics to fix the commons impact metrics pipeline [analytics]
20:50 <mforns> finished deployment of refinery to fix Commons Impact Metrics job [analytics]
20:31 <mforns> starting deployment of refinery to fix Commons Impact Metrics job [analytics]
17:03 <ottomata> restarting eventgate-analytics to pick up stream config changes for T381322 [analytics]
09:55 <joal> rerun latest hdfs_usage job to pick up correct data sizes [analytics]
09:46 <joal> Deploying refinery onto HDFS for backfill [analytics]
09:40 <joal> Deploying refinery for backfill using scap [analytics]
05:14 <joal> Releasing new refinery-source v0.2.54 to archiva [analytics]
2024-12-09 §
16:07 <brouberol> kubectl uncordon dse-k8s-worker1005.eqiad.wmnet [analytics]
15:46 <brouberol> kubectl cordon dse-k8s-worker1005.eqiad.wmnet [analytics]
2024-12-04 §
19:39 <joal> deploy Airflow [analytics]
19:07 <joal> Recompute 1 day of webrequest_actor_metrics for rollup to work as expected [analytics]
19:07 <joal> Alter webrequest_actor 3 tables adding actor_signature_per_project_family field for automated-traffic detection heuristic changeb [analytics]
19:06 <joal> Alter wmf_raw.mediawiki_user adding user_is_temp field for temp_account project [analytics]
17:59 <joal> Rerun cassandra_load_pageview_top_articles_monthly after refinery patch deployed [analytics]
17:56 <joal> Deploying refinery onto HDFS [analytics]
17:50 <joal> Deploying refinery with scap [analytics]
2024-11-30 §
12:02 <joal> Rerunning failed webrequest-actor-rollup airflow task [analytics]
12:01 <joal> Deployed airflow-analytics to hotfix webrequest-actor-rollup [analytics]
2024-11-27 §
19:39 <mforns> re-ran wikidata_wikitext_history for 2024-08 [analytics]
19:20 <mforns> deployed airflow analytics as part of the regular deployment train [analytics]
2024-11-26 §
07:38 <joal> deploy refinery onto HDFS [analytics]
07:32 <joal> Deploying refinery using scap [analytics]
2024-11-25 §
13:55 <btullis> enabled the performance CPU governor across the Hadoop cluster with https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/operations/puppet/+/1072529 for T362922 [analytics]
12:29 <btullis> rebooting cephosd cluster for T380731 [analytics]
2024-11-20 §
17:45 <joal> Deployed refinery on HDFS [analytics]
17:12 <joal> Deploying refinery with scap for gobblin release (2nd round) [analytics]
2024-11-19 §
17:25 <joal> pause airflow refine_hourly job to prevent it to starve other jobs [analytics]
14:23 <joal> failed deployed (rolled back) due to disk-space on an-launcher1002 [analytics]
14:05 <joal> Deploying refinery wioth scap for gobblin release [analytics]
12:38 <joal> Release new gobblin-wmf artifact to archiva [analytics]
2024-11-18 §
17:28 <xcollazo> Deployed latest DAGs to analytics Airflow instance. T368755. [analytics]
2024-11-12 §
21:27 <SandraEbele_> deploying airflow as part of weekly deployment train [analytics]
21:22 <SandraEbele_> Deployed refinery using scap, then deployed onto hdfs [analytics]
20:04 <SandraEbele_> deploying refinery repo as part of deployment train [analytics]
2024-11-07 §
14:02 <joal> Deploying airflow analytics dags [analytics]
13:37 <joal> Deploy refinery onto HDFS [analytics]
12:33 <joal> Deploy refinery with scap [analytics]
2024-11-06 §
16:57 <joal> Manually rerun pageview monthly dumps to validate memory config change [analytics]
2024-11-05 §
14:46 <joal> Try rerunning dump_month_of_daily_pageviews [analytics]
13:25 <joal> Manually run cassandra_load_pageview_top_articles_monthly for moth 2024-10 to test a fix [analytics]
2024-10-30 §
13:57 <joal> Scap deploy analytics airflow dags [analytics]
13:36 <joal> Unpause webrequest_actor jobs after successful webrequest refinement [analytics]
12:21 <joal> unpause webrequest refine airflow jobs [analytics]