2651-2700 of 6000 results (31ms)
2021-01-28 §
22:22 <razzi> rebalance kafka partitions for codfw.mediawiki.page-links-change [analytics]
22:01 <razzi> rebalance kafka partitions for eventlogging_QuickSurveyInitiation [analytics]
21:13 <razzi> rebalance kafka partitions for topic eventlogging_EditAttemptStep [analytics]
19:49 <mforns> finished deployment of refinery (for v0.0.146) [analytics]
18:57 <mforns> starting deployment of refinery (for v0.0.146) [analytics]
18:54 <mforns> deployed refinery-source v0.0.146 using Jenkins [analytics]
18:45 <razzi> rebalance kafka partitions for topic eqiad.mediawiki.job.ORESFetchScoreJob [analytics]
18:42 <razzi> rebalance kafka partitions for topic codfw.mediawiki.job.ORESFetchScoreJob [analytics]
18:22 <razzi> rebalance kafka partitions for topic codfw.mediawiki.job.wikibase-InjectRCRecords [analytics]
17:26 <razzi> rebalance kafka partitions for topic eqiad.mediawiki.revision-tags-change [analytics]
17:26 <razzi> rebalance kafka partitions for topic codfw.mediawiki.revision-tags-change [analytics]
16:32 <razzi> rebalance kafka partitions for topic eventlogging_CodeMirrorUsage [analytics]
16:16 <elukey> manual failover of hdfs namenode active/master from an-master1002 to an-master1001 [analytics]
2021-01-27 §
13:02 <joal> Copy /wmf/data/event to backup cluster (30Tb) - T272846 [analytics]
11:15 <elukey> add client_port and debug fields to X-Analytics in webrequest varnishkafka streams [analytics]
2021-01-26 §
16:39 <razzi> reboot kafka-test1006 for kernel upgrade [analytics]
09:37 <elukey> reboot dbstore1005 for kernel upgrades [analytics]
09:35 <joal> Copy /wmf/data/discovery to backup cluster (21Tb) - T272846 [analytics]
09:31 <elukey> reboot dbstore1003 for kernel upgrades [analytics]
09:15 <elukey> reboot dbstore1004 for kernel upgrades [analytics]
09:07 <joal> Copy /wmf/refinery to backup cluster (1.1Tb) - T272846 [analytics]
09:01 <joal> Copy /wmf/discovery to backup cluster (120Gb) - T272846 [analytics]
08:42 <joal> Copy /wmf/camus to backup cluster (120Gb) - T272846 [analytics]
2021-01-25 §
20:42 <razzi> rebalance kafka partitions for eqiad.mediawiki.page-properties-change.json [analytics]
20:41 <razzi> rebalance kafka partitions for codfw.mediawiki.page-properties-change [analytics]
18:58 <razzi> rebalance kafka partitions for eventlogging_ExternalGuidance [analytics]
18:53 <razzi> rebalance kafka partitions for eqiad.mediawiki.job.ChangeDeletionNotification [analytics]
17:13 <joal> Copy /user to backup cluster (92Tb) - T272846 [analytics]
16:22 <elukey> drain+restart cassandra on aqs1004 to pick up the new openjdk (canary) [analytics]
16:21 <elukey> restart yarn and hdfs daemon on analytics1058 (canary node for new openjdk) [analytics]
12:25 <joal> Copy /wmf/data/archive to backup cluster (32Tb) - T272846 [analytics]
10:20 <elukey> restart memcached on an-tool1010 to flush superset's cache [analytics]
10:18 <elukey> restart superset to remove druid datasources support - T263972 [analytics]
09:57 <joal> Changing ownership of archive WMF files to analytics:analytics-privatedata-users after update of oozie jobs [analytics]
2021-01-22 §
17:38 <mforns> finished refinery deploy to HDFS [analytics]
17:28 <mforns> restarted refine_event and refine_eventlogging_legacy in an-launcher1002 [analytics]
17:11 <mforns> starting refinery deploy using scap [analytics]
17:09 <mforns> bumped up refinery-source jar version to 0.0.145 in puppet for Refine and DruidLoad jobs [analytics]
16:44 <mforns> Deployed refinery-source v0.0.145 using jenkins [analytics]
09:48 <joal> Raise druid-public default replication-factor from 2 to 3 [analytics]
2021-01-21 §
18:54 <razzi> rebooting nodes for druid public cluster via cookbook [analytics]
16:49 <ottomata> installed libsnappy-dev and python3-snappy on webperf1001 [analytics]
15:17 <joal> Kill mediawiki-wikitext-history-wf-2020-12 as it was stuck and failed [analytics]
11:19 <elukey> block UA with 'python-requests.*' hitting AQS via Varnish [analytics]
2021-01-20 §
21:48 <milimetric> refinery deployed, synced to hdfs, ready to restart 53 oozie jobs, will do so slowly over the next few hours [analytics]
18:11 <joal> Release refinery-source v0.0.144 to archiva with Jenkins [analytics]
2021-01-15 §
09:21 <elukey> roll restart druid brokers on druid public - stuck after datasource drop [analytics]
2021-01-11 §
07:26 <elukey> execute 'sudo -u hdfs kerberos-run-command hdfs hdfs dfs -chmod o+rx /wmf/data/archive/mediawiki' on launcher to fix dir perms [analytics]
2021-01-09 §
15:11 <elukey> restart timers 'analytics-*' on labstore100[6,7] to apply new permission settings [analytics]
08:31 <elukey> restart the failed hdfs rsync timers on labstore100[6,7] to kick off the remaining jobs [analytics]