11 results (5ms)
2020-01-10 §
13:04 <arturo> cyberbot-db-01 is now on cloudvirt1029 [cyberbot]
09:46 <arturo> moving cyberbot-db-01 from cloudvirt1009 to cloudvirt1029 to try a faster hypervisor [cyberbot]
2020-01-04 §
15:59 <arturo> moving VM cyberbot-db-01 from cloudvirt1024 to cloudvirt1009 due to hardware errors (T241873) [cyberbot]
2020-01-02 §
02:06 <andrewbogott> moving cyberbot-db-01 to cloudvirt1024 [cyberbot]
2019-12-27 §
11:07 <andrewbogott> migrating cyberbot-db-01 to cloudvirt1009 in response to T241313 [cyberbot]
2019-08-15 §
20:35 <andrewbogott> moving cyberbot-db-01 to new cloudvirt (another attempt) [cyberbot]
15:05 <andrewbogott> moving cyberbot-db-01 to new cloudvirt [cyberbot]
2018-10-30 §
13:55 <andrewbogott> migrating project to eqiad1 [cyberbot]
2017-10-25 §
22:34 <chasemp> reboot cyberbot-exec-iabot-01.cyberbot.eqiad.wmflabs [cyberbot]
22:24 <chasemp> cyberbot-exec-iabot-01:~# service nscd restart [cyberbot]
2017-10-19 §
03:29 <mutante> copying mysqldump file to /srv/; gunzip'ing it; creating database s51059__cyberbot ; importing mysqldump [cyberbot]