10 results (14ms)
2024-06-21 §
03:32 <andrew@cloudcumin1001> END (PASS) - Cookbook wmcs.openstack.migrate_dbinstance_to_ovs (exit_code=0) for server tbd [osmit]
03:14 <andrew@cloudcumin1001> START - Cookbook wmcs.openstack.migrate_dbinstance_to_ovs for server tbd [osmit]
2024-06-20 §
11:25 <taavi@cloudcumin1001> END (FAIL) - Cookbook wmcs.openstack.migrate_project_to_ovs (exit_code=1) [osmit]
11:22 <taavi@cloudcumin1001> START - Cookbook wmcs.openstack.migrate_project_to_ovs [osmit]
2022-10-14 §
17:14 <andrewbogott> deleting long shutoff Stretch VM osmit-umap [osmit]
2022-07-20 §
02:12 <andrewbogott> shutting down Stretch VMs as per https://lists.wikimedia.org/hyperkitty/list/cloud-announce@lists.wikimedia.org/thread/DSSVK2ZM3KHJI4HVM53JFNMECFMMCCG3/ [osmit]
2019-12-27 §
11:12 <andrewbogott> migrating osmit-test to cloudvirt1009 in response to T241313 [osmit]
2019-03-14 §
23:11 <bd808> Deleted osm-serv and osmit-due (T204527) [osmit]
2019-01-21 §
16:43 <arturo> T204527 shutdown ubuntu VM instances: osmit-due osmit-tre osm-serv [osmit]
2018-11-27 §
14:21 <andrewbogott> migrating project to eqiad1-r [osmit]