1-50 of 10000 results (6ms)
2011-10-18 §
23:27 <reedy> synchronized php-1.18/languages/messages/MessagesEn.php '[[rev:100180|r100180]]' [production]
22:27 <reedy> synchronizing Wikimedia installation... : Add Contest to extensions-list [production]
22:24 <reedy> synchronized wmf-config/CommonSettings.php 'Uncomment require line' [production]
22:24 <reedy> synchronized wmf-config/CommonSettings.php 'Uncomment require line' [production]
22:23 <reedy> synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php 'Enable Contest extension on testwiki' [production]
22:22 <Reedy> Created Contest extension tables on testwiki [production]
22:19 <reedy> synchronizing Wikimedia installation... : Added contest to ExtensionMessages [production]
22:16 <reedy> synchronizing Wikimedia installation... : Push out Contest extension, not enabled anywhere as of yet [production]
21:45 <rainman-sr> restarted search9 which seems to have a stale copy of one of the enwp index parts [production]
18:22 <preilly> synchronized php-1.18/extensions/MobileFrontend/MobileFrontend.php 'critical update to mobile frontend' [production]
17:55 <preilly> synchronized php-1.18/extensions/MobileFrontend/MobileFrontend.php 'critical update to mobile frontend' [production]
17:32 <preilly> synchronized php-1.18/extensions/MobileFrontend/views/layout/_search_webkit.html.php 'critical update to mobile frontend' [production]
16:49 <awjrichards> synchronizing Wikimedia installation... : Pushing CentralNotice updates from [[rev:100100|r100100]], [[rev:100099|r100099]], [[rev:100102|r100102]] [production]
16:45 <Jeff_Green> switched db1025 to slave off of db1008 as temporary middle-master (db9-->db1008-->db1025) [production]
13:48 <Jeff_Green> grosley is back online, memory upgrade postponed due to mismatched RAM [production]
13:32 <Jeff_Green> grosley shut down for RAM upgrade [production]
02:18 <LocalisationUpdate> completed (1.18) at Tue Oct 18 02:21:02 UTC 2011 [production]
2011-10-17 §
21:26 <awjrichards> synchronized wmf-config/CommonSettings.php 'Updating list of priority countries for landing check' [production]
20:47 <rainman-sr> moved around things a bit on the search cluster, search7 seems to have been hitting I/O quite a bit. Relocated eswiki to search14, and "other namespaces" index slices for rest of searchpool3 wikis to search15 [production]
20:35 <awjrichards> synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php 'donate.wikipedia.org -> donate.wikimedia.org in wgServers' [production]
20:25 <ariel> synchronized wmf-config/lucene.php '...and remove from existing pool, oops' [production]
20:21 <ariel> synchronized wmf-config/lucene.php 'eswiki searches to search14, thanks rainman-sr' [production]
20:21 <awjrichards> synchronized php/extensions/Translate/Translate.php '[[rev:100004|r100004]]' [production]
20:20 <awjrichards> synchronized php/extensions/Translate/_autoload.php '[[rev:100004|r100004]]' [production]
20:20 <awjrichards> synchronized php/extensions/Translate/api/ApiQueryMessageTranslations.php '[[rev:100004|r100004]]' [production]
20:20 <awjrichards> synchronized php/extensions/Translate/tag/TPParse.php '[[rev:100004|r100004]]' [production]
20:19 <awjrichards> synchronized php/extensions/Translate/tag/RenderJob.php [production]
20:19 <awjrichards> synchronized php/extensions/Translate/MessageCollection.php '[[rev:100004|r100004]]' [production]
19:36 <jgreen> synchronized wmf-config/CommonSettings.php 'added settings for donatewiki' [production]
19:35 <jgreen> synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php 'added settings for donatewiki' [production]
19:33 <jgreen> synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php [production]
18:38 <apergos> tried increasing ulimit for open files from 8192 to 12288 for lsearch on search7, see /etc/init.d/lsearchd. (lots of "too many open files" in the logs) ... if this kills it please lower it again [production]
18:08 <preilly> done pushing critical MF fixes [production]
18:07 <preilly> synchronized php-1.18/extensions/MobileFrontend/views/layout/application.html.php 'critical update to mobile frontend' [production]
18:01 <preilly> synchronized php-1.18/extensions/MobileFrontend/MobileFrontend.php 'critical update to mobile frontend' [production]
17:51 <preilly> synchronized php-1.18/extensions/MobileFrontend/MobileFrontend.php 'critical update to mobile frontend' [production]
17:49 <apergos> restarted lsearchd on search7 again [production]
17:49 <preilly> push critical fix for MF [production]
17:49 <preilly> synchronized php-1.18/extensions/MobileFrontend/views/layout/_search_webkit.html.php 'critical update to mobile frontend' [production]
17:48 <preilly> synchronized php-1.18/extensions/MobileFrontend/MobileFrontend.php 'critical update to mobile frontend' [production]
15:41 <mark> restarted lsearchd on search7 [production]
05:32 <Tim> restarted lsearchd on search7 [production]
02:22 <LocalisationUpdate> completed (1.18) at Mon Oct 17 02:25:29 UTC 2011 [production]
2011-10-16 §
23:28 <mutante> knsq[17-28] - dist-upgraded/kernel,rebooted [production]
22:58 <reedy> synchronizing Wikimedia installation... : Push all Chads merges [production]
22:54 <mutante> restarted lsearchd (lucene) on search3 and 7 [production]
22:32 <mark> Pooled cp3001 into the bits.esams pool [production]
21:33 <RobH> pybal upload config changed to remove sq47 per rt1597 [production]
20:59 <notpeter> something seems srsly messed up with nagios. restarting it again... [production]
20:55 <notpeter> chmoded /etc/nagios/puppet_checks.d/ and restarted nagios [production]