301-350 of 10000 results (15ms)
2011-12-13 §
05:38 <nikerabbit> synchronized php-1.18/extensions/WebFonts/resources/ext.webfonts.js 'bugfix for webfonts: [[rev:105989|r105989]]' [production]
04:34 <RobH> blog.wikimedia.org rolled to wp3.3 successfully [production]
02:38 <notpeter> belay that. running just fine. just hella slow. [production]
02:36 <notpeter> puppet currently not completing runs on spence. not going to try to divine root cause this late at night [production]
02:28 <notpeter> restarting puppet on brewster [production]
01:29 <notpeter> removing a couple of binlogs from db9 to try to get it through until it's replaced.... [production]
01:13 <tstarling> synchronized php-1.18/includes/MagicWord.php [production]
01:04 <Ryan_Lane> switching ssl certificate to digicert certificate for wikipedia [production]
00:46 <Ryan_Lane> enabling https for *.m.wikipedia.org [production]
00:46 <Ryan_Lane> repooling ssl1001 [production]
00:28 <Ryan_Lane> restarted pybal on lvs1004 for mobile ssl and mobile svc services [production]
00:27 <Ryan_Lane> make that lvs1001 [production]
00:27 <Ryan_Lane> restarted pybal on ssl1001 for mobile ssl and mobile svc services [production]
00:15 <Ryan_Lane> depooling ssl1001 for testing [production]
00:15 <LeslieCarr> depooling and restarting ssl1001 withnew cert [production]
00:14 <LeslieCarr> pushing out new digicert certificate for *.wikipedia.org [production]
00:12 <reedy> synchronized php-1.18/extensions/CodeReview/ 'Reverting CR back to previous state' [production]
00:02 <reedy> synchronized php-1.18/extensions/CodeReview/backend/DiffHighlighter.php [production]
00:00 <reedy> synchronized php-1.18/extensions/CodeReview/ui/CodeRevisionAuthorView.php 'fix linker fatal' [production]
2011-12-12 §
23:57 <reedy> synchronized php-1.18/extensions/CodeReview/backend/DiffHighlighter.php [production]
23:42 <reedy> synchronized wmf-config/codereview.php 'Add $wgCodeReviewNewPerPath' [production]
23:40 <reedy> synchronized php-1.18/extensions/CodeReview/ 'syncing' [production]
23:03 <Ryan_Lane> repooling ssl1001 [production]
23:00 <Ryan_Lane> depooling ssl1001 [production]
22:22 <awjr> syncing CiviCRM on aluminium to [[rev:952|r952]] [production]
22:21 <reedy> synchronized wmf-config/codereview.php 'Important paths!' [production]
22:20 <binasher> upgraded xtrabackup in wikimedia-lucid to 1.6.3, changed puppet rule to ensure latest [production]
21:39 <binasher> stafford:/var/lib/puppet was full, extended fs by 5GB [production]
21:16 <RoanKattouw> Commented out srv159, srv183, srv186 from /etc/dsh/group/mediawiki-installation : these servers have been decommissioned and don't seem to be picking up SSH key changes from puppet [production]
21:11 <catrope> synchronized php-1.18/resources/startup.js 'touch' [production]
21:11 <catrope> synchronized php-1.18/extensions/WebFonts 'Touching all WebFonts JS/CSS files' [production]
21:05 <notpeter> temp turning off puppet on brewster. feel free to turn it back on, but if you're going to do so, please let me know [production]
21:00 <Jeff_Green> adding txt records to wikimedia.org zone file for DKIM testing [production]
20:48 <Jeff_Green> adding txt records to wikimediafoundation.org zone file for DKIM testing [production]
20:37 <binasher> rebooting db1017 again, this time into new 2.6.32-36 [production]
20:33 <nikerabbit> synchronized php-1.18/resources/startup.js 'Trying to solve caching issues' [production]
20:24 <binasher> rebooted db1017 [production]
19:53 <RobH> project2 is going down, and hopefully never coming back. [production]
18:57 <nikerabbit> synchronized php-1.18/includes/DefaultSettings.php 'i18ndeploy: config change needed for Incubator extension' [production]
18:57 <nikerabbit> synchronized php-1.18/extensions/CodeReview/ui/CodeRevisionView.php 'i18ndeploy: rtl fix for CR' [production]
18:56 <nikerabbit> synchronized php-1.18/extensions/WikimediaMessages/WikimediaMessages.i18n.php 'i18ndeploy: new group messages' [production]
18:55 <nikerabbit> synchronized php-1.18/skins/common/shared.css 'i18ndeploy: header css' [production]
18:50 <catrope> synchronized php-1.18/extensions/Narayam/ 'Trying to reproduce errors reported by Niklas' [production]
18:37 <LeslieCarr> upgrading racktables [production]
18:35 <nikerabbit> synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php [production]
18:33 <nikerabbit> synchronized php-1.18/extensions/WikimediaIncubator/ 'i18ndeploy: Incubator' [production]
18:31 <nikerabbit> synchronized php-1.18/extensions/Babel/ 'i18ndeploy: Babel updates' [production]
18:26 <nikerabbit> synchronized php-1.18/extensions/Narayam/ 'i18ndeploy: Narayam update - for real this time' [production]
18:21 <nikerabbit> synchronized php-1.18/extensions/Narayam/ 'i18ndeploy: Narayam update' [production]
18:08 <nikerabbit> synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php 'Enabling WebFonts on more wikis' [production]