1-50 of 10000 results (19ms)
2014-05-29 §
23:36 <csteipp> synchronized php-1.24wmf6/includes/specials/SpecialPasswordReset.php [production]
23:19 <^d> cleaned up /var/cache/apt on searchidx1001, freed up ~20% of the disk, should be fine now [production]
23:09 <ori> synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php 'I09d92987: Flow-ify mw:Talk:Search' [production]
23:07 <ori> synchronized cirrus.dblist 'I3f09dff7e: All Wikipedias with 100k pages or less getting Cirrus as primary' [production]
23:05 <ori> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I3f09dff7e}}: All Wikipedias with 100k pages or less getting Cirrus as primary [production]
20:29 <marktraceur> synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php 'Enable Media Viewer on all wikisources by default' [production]
20:28 <marktraceur> updated /a/common to {{Gerrit|I95348e0d4}}: Launch Media Viewer for all users on all Wikisources [production]
20:25 <anomie> synchronized php-1.24wmf6/includes/api 'Revert revert of [[gerrit:120827]], underlying bug should be fixed now' [production]
20:19 <anomie> synchronized php-1.24wmf6/extensions/EducationProgram/includes/api/ApiListStudents.php 'Backport fix for [[bugzilla:65906]]' [production]
20:05 <anomie> synchronized php-1.24wmf7/extensions/EducationProgram/includes/api/ApiListStudents.php 'Backport fix for [[bugzilla:65906]]' [production]
19:40 <^d> hewiki elastic index was missing geodata mappings. re-map + in place reindex failed spectacularly. rebuilding from scratch now. [production]
19:38 <ori> mw1163: mkdir -p /usr/local/apache/common-local && chown mwdeploy:mwdeploy /usr/local/apache/common-local [production]
19:09 <cmjohnson1> powering down mw1151 for disk replacement [production]
19:01 <reedy> rebuilt wikiversions.cdb and synchronized wikiversions files: group0 to 1.24wmf7 [production]
18:49 <cmjohnson1> removing mw1151 from pybal and dsh groups to replace disk and reinstall [production]
18:47 <reedy> rebuilt wikiversions.cdb and synchronized wikiversions files: Wikipedias to 1.24wmf6 take 3 [production]
18:45 <reedy> synchronized php-1.24wmf6/includes/api/ [production]
18:19 <reedy> rebuilt wikiversions.cdb and synchronized wikiversions files: rv that [production]
18:18 <reedy> rebuilt wikiversions.cdb and synchronized wikiversions files: Wikipedias to 1.24wmf6 [production]
15:50 <reedy> rebuilt wikiversions.cdb and synchronized wikiversions files: (no message) [production]
15:42 <reedy> Finished scap: testwiki to 1.24wmf7 and build l10n cache (duration: 24m 24s) [production]
15:17 <reedy> Started scap: testwiki to 1.24wmf7 and build l10n cache [production]
15:06 <anomie> synchronized php-1.24wmf6/extensions/VisualEditor/modules/ve-mw/ 'SWAT: VisualEditor URL decoding and image alignment fixes. [[gerrit:135922]] [[gerrit:135946]]' [production]
04:27 <springle> synchronized README 'test sync-file' [production]
04:20 <ori> updated scap to 9ba9014: Partially revert "Convert sync-dir and sync-file to python" [production]
04:13 <ori> re-enabled puppet on tin [production]
03:59 <LocalisationUpdate> ResourceLoader cache refresh completed at Thu May 29 03:57:59 UTC 2014 (duration 57m 58s) [production]
03:55 <ori> Synchronized README: Debugging sync-file (duration: 00m 06s) [production]
03:52 <springle> db1009 mariadb 5.5.37 live trial with low load [production]
03:49 <springle> synchronized wmf-config/db-eqiad.php 'repool db1009 in s2, take #2' [production]
03:45 <ori> disabled puppet on tin and copied sync-common-file from mediawiki/tools/scap@8f2a8356c38 into /usr/local/bin to debug sync issue [production]
03:44 <springle> Synchronized wmf-config/db-eqiad.php: repool db1009 in s2 (duration: 00m 08s) [production]
03:19 <springle> Synchronized wmf-config/db-eqiad.php: repool db1009 in s2 (duration: 00m 08s) [production]
03:11 <LocalisationUpdate> completed (1.24wmf6) at 2014-05-29 03:10:15+00:00 [production]
02:36 <LocalisationUpdate> completed (1.24wmf5) at 2014-05-29 02:35:45+00:00 [production]
01:22 <awight> updated SmashPig from e9964bfec47b3796dab0a19a9545cc3abb23fde6 to 98b1f348aa55f6a3aac441db08a59ca309fade7a [production]
01:16 <awight> (rollback) [production]
01:16 <awight> updated SmashPig from 03015f3827fedea9d0f89c791604ad08ec97ba71 to e9964bfec47b3796dab0a19a9545cc3abb23fde6 [production]
01:04 <awight> update SmashPig from f64f79f13cf4ab560d0bb5bd69690c827a821629 to 03015f3827fedea9d0f89c791604ad08ec97ba71 [production]
2014-05-28 §
23:39 <demon> Synchronized wmf-config/CommonSettings.php: Including external CologneBlue/Modern skins, if they exist (duration: 00m 07s) [production]
22:27 <awight> updated crm from 65a433b5564f42c3aa4f310cd4bb938ae70f841d to 5b231163e9e880de5b9787d40b679a6723748aca [production]
22:27 <awight> updated tools from 1e8029544dc19a84f6d1adf2783266e16d19ef1f to d257e8445e028b758b1d1fa90c857667d4faac62 [production]
21:23 <RoanKattouw> Restarting Parsoid Varnishes per gwicke's request [production]
20:38 <mutante> enabling puppet on osmium [production]
20:18 <hashar> Jenkins: killed all phantomjs process on gallium. They were eating all available memory. All three process were VisualEditor qunit tests. [production]
20:13 <subbu> deployed parsoid a234af8c0 (deploy sha f17506eb) [production]
20:12 <hashar> gallium (Jenkins master) sent to swap somehow :-( [production]
20:02 <bd808> Finished scap: no-op scap deleted.dblist (duration: 10m 40s) [production]
19:52 <bd808|deploy> Horrible log message; should be "no-op scap to test code changes" [production]
19:51 <bd808> Started scap: no-op scap deleted.dblist [production]