1-50 of 10000 results (9ms)
2014-06-11 §
23:50 <mwalker> clearing resourceloader blobs on commonswiki to try and force a multimediaviewer message "mwscript extensions/WikimediaMaintenance/clearMessageBlobs.php --wiki=commonswiki" [production]
23:49 <awight> updated SmashPig from 98b1f348aa55f6a3aac441db08a59ca309fade7a to 22e2923a3a030b17815181574f9ca99b38c5f2dc [production]
23:41 <mwalker> Finished scap: SWAT deploy for MultimediaViewer, CentralNotice, and testwiki config (duration: 24m 16s) [production]
23:16 <mwalker> Started scap: SWAT deploy for MultimediaViewer, CentralNotice, and testwiki config [production]
23:10 <Krinkle> Running deleteEqualMessages.php on trwiki (bug 43917) [production]
22:58 <yurik> Synchronized wmf-config/: Restoring to ZRMA for now (duration: 01m 04s) [production]
22:22 <yurik> Synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php: Attempting to enable new zero ext on zerowiki & ruwiki - take2 (duration: 01m 06s) [production]
22:19 <^d> restarted elasticsearch on logstash1003, complaining about heap. [production]
22:06 <yurik> Synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php: Attempting to enable new zero ext on zerowiki & ruwiki (duration: 01m 12s) [production]
21:58 <yurik> Synchronized php-1.24wmf8/extensions/JsonConfig/: (no message) (duration: 01m 11s) [production]
21:56 <yurik> Synchronized php-1.24wmf7/extensions/JsonConfig/: (no message) (duration: 01m 09s) [production]
21:50 <yurik> Finished scap: (no message) (duration: 25m 51s) [production]
21:46 <ori> Disabling Puppet on mw1149. It's a former bits app server that isn't in PyBal so it isn't getting traffic. Going to stage some proposed changes for apache-config and operations/puppet there. [production]
21:24 <yurik> Started scap: (no message) [production]
21:05 <yurik> Finished scap: Deploying 3 new ext (JsonConfig, ZeroBanner, ZeroPortal), but they are not enabled anywhere yet (duration: 05m 03s) [production]
21:00 <yurik> Started scap: Deploying 3 new ext (JsonConfig, ZeroBanner, ZeroPortal), but they are not enabled anywhere yet [production]
20:07 <gwicke> deployed Parsoid 3de0dba15 [production]
19:18 <bblack> rebooting lvs3003 for 3.13 kernel [production]
19:18 <marktraceur> Finished scap: MultimediaViewer fixes for cards 630, 429, and 697 (duration: 18m 45s) [production]
19:17 <greg-g> mw1151 *still* giving permission denied errors (publickey), what's the status, yo? [production]
19:03 <bblack> rebooting lvs3002 for 3.13 kernel + XPS [production]
18:59 <marktraceur> Started scap: MultimediaViewer fixes for cards 630, 429, and 697 [production]
18:44 <ottomata> disabling puppet on analytics1012 to allow for more replica threads to catch up with current broker replicas...maybe :) [production]
18:41 <awight> updated crm from b6815d29de97b80a0ab65db576213a604f0c7cb9 to c38296add61421f87e12cb5b4f3dd68bdf2340db [production]
18:03 <Krinkle> Reloading Zuul to deploy I5d154a4002d08 [production]
16:43 <bblack> shutting off lvs3002.esams pybal to test XPS balancing of live traffic on lvs3004.esams + 3.13 [production]
16:30 <bblack> rebooting lvs3004 (inactive uploads LVS) for 3.13 again [production]
14:52 <hashar> Jenkins restarting (plugin upgrades) [production]
14:48 <bblack> rebooting lvs3004.esams (inactive uploads LVS) for 3.13 kernel [production]
14:41 <_joe_> manually ran 'planet' on en.planet to restore technews [production]
14:40 <hashar> Jenkins updating plugins [production]
13:56 <paravoid> upgrading mw1153-mw1160, tmh1001-tmh1002 for USN-2244-1 [production]
12:21 <_joe_> set up a secondary remote named 'readonly' in /a/common on tin, to use with the icinga check for unmerged commits [production]
11:40 <akosiaris> manually cleaning librenms tables. db1001 is going to have increased load for some time. The approach is automatable, see http://jira.observium.org/browse/OBSERVIUM-757 [production]
11:32 <godog> restarted uwsgi on tungsten, a lot of accesses to reqstats.edits.*.submits [production]
10:45 <godog> restarted uwsgi on tungsten, hung on fetching many metrics [production]
09:54 <_joe_> restarted apache on palladium - passenger crashed [production]
05:26 <paravoid> restarting all swift daemons across the cluster to fix runaway threads due to rsyslog restart [production]
05:04 <springle> beginning schema changes bug 49193 page_content_model [production]
03:29 <LocalisationUpdate> ResourceLoader cache refresh completed at Wed Jun 11 03:28:14 UTC 2014 (duration 28m 13s) [production]
02:29 <LocalisationUpdate> completed (1.24wmf8) at 2014-06-11 02:28:18+00:00 [production]
02:15 <LocalisationUpdate> completed (1.24wmf7) at 2014-06-11 02:14:43+00:00 [production]
2014-06-10 §
23:34 <andrewbogott> updated labs Trusty image w/puppet3, made default [production]
23:19 <mutante> rebooting unresponsive ms-be1003 [production]
21:10 <RobH> montly sms credit check: 1,447.36 SMS credits. will check again in 30 days [production]
19:47 <hashar> Jenkins restarted apparently properly. Any breakage would probably be related to the version switch :-D [production]
19:45 <ottomata> power cycling analytics1012, attempting to reinstall as kafka broker with new kafka partman recipe [production]
19:42 <hashar> Jenkins upgraded from 1.532.2 to 1.554.2 (i.e. bumped to a new LTS version). [production]
19:37 <hashar> Broke Jenkins by silently upgrading it :-( [production]
19:09 <Krinkle> git-deploy: Deploying integration/slave-scripts I9521890b911714edf2 [production]