15 results (12ms)
2020-11-20 §
23:15 <mutante> syncing facts from production masters [puppet-diffs]
20:40 <mutante> added new member razzi [puppet-diffs]
2020-09-30 §
11:27 <arturo> syncing facts from puppetmaster1001 [puppet-diffs]
2020-09-02 §
10:42 <arturo> updating facts from puppetmaster2001.codfw.wmnet [puppet-diffs]
10:39 <arturo> updating facts from puppetmaster1001.eqiad.wmnet [puppet-diffs]
2020-07-31 §
21:47 <andrewbogott> updating facts for production hosts [puppet-diffs]
2020-05-04 §
13:06 <arturo> updated facts from the tools project: `PUPPET_MASTER="tools-puppetmaster-02.eqiad.wmflabs" modules/puppet_compiler/files/compiler-update-facts` [puppet-diffs]
2020-01-21 §
19:54 <mutante> syncing puppet facts from local puppet repo [puppet-diffs]
2019-11-08 §
13:21 <arturo> syncing puppet facts from tools-puppetmaster-01.eqiad.wmflabs [puppet-diffs]
13:18 <arturo> syncing puppet facts from puppetmaster1001.eqiad.wmnet [puppet-diffs]
2019-10-28 §
16:25 <arturo> syncing puppet facts from tools-puppetmaster-01 [puppet-diffs]
2019-09-25 §
09:01 <arturo> updating puppetmaster1001 facts to all 3 compilers [puppet-diffs]
2019-07-15 §
20:14 <andrewbogott> moved project-wide hiera settings into a 'compiler' prefix so I can test the project without implicit hiera settings for T228056 [puppet-diffs]
2019-04-07 §
22:18 <andrewbogott> upgrade puppet-compiler version to 0.5.0 (via hiera setting on Horizon) for T219430 [puppet-diffs]
2018-11-09 §
03:14 <andrewbogott> migrating VMs to eqiad1-r, then hopefully figuring out how to make them work in Jenkins again [puppet-diffs]