7 results (8ms)
2017-10-04 §
13:35 <andrewbogott> moving suggestbot-prod to labvirt1017 [suggestbot]
2017-09-26 §
15:18 <Nettrom> Deleted unused databases from c1.labsdb & c3.labsdb [suggestbot]
2017-09-18 §
00:43 <Nettrom> Converted all database tables to binary character set [suggestbot]
2017-09-16 §
02:48 <Nettrom> installed SciPy stack on suggestbot-prod [suggestbot]
01:56 <Nettrom> installed libmysqlclient-dev on suggestbot-prod [suggestbot]
2017-09-14 §
03:10 <Nettrom> apt-get installed python-pip, python-dev, and build-essentials, then installed virtualenv globally via pip [suggestbot]
02:46 <Nettrom> installed MariaDB on suggestbot-prod, created database and user, restricted to connecting from localhost [suggestbot]