7 results (26ms)
2025-02-06 §
18:19 <wmbot~bd808@tools-bastion-12> Update public_html/toolinfo.json [tools.extreg-wos]
2020-01-14 §
09:23 <wm-bot> <legoktm> Switched over to use new k8s cluster [tools.extreg-wos]
09:21 <wm-bot> <legoktm> Switched over to use new k8s cluster [tools.extreg-wos]
09:19 <wm-bot> <legoktm> Switched over to use new k8s cluster [tools.extreg-wos]
2019-12-27 §
02:16 <Krenair> app was serving 500s, deleted pod and it's back [tools.extreg-wos]
2019-03-24 §
20:57 <legoktm> migrated to stretch grid [tools.extreg-wos]
2018-09-23 §
18:51 <legoktm> restarted and updated all dependencies [tools.extreg-wos]