1-50 of 58 results (19ms)
2020-03-23 §
23:37 <wm-bot59> <rhinosf1> restore abuse.py as it seems to be missing (which is causing logspam) and reboot bot to clear reload error [tools.zppixbot]
2020-03-19 §
22:10 <wm-bot> <rhinosf1> gzip access.log and cron errors as they're getting large per -cloud advice [tools.zppixbot]
21:55 <bd808> `sudo chown tools.zppixbot:tools.zppixbot /data/project/zppixbot/.sopel/ZppixBot-chat.freenode.net.known_users.db` per IRC discussion with RhinosF1 [tools.zppixbot]
2020-03-18 §
16:46 <wm-bot> <zppix1> disable cron jobs [tools.zppixbot]
2020-03-17 §
22:11 <PartyRhino> accidentally moved (rather than copied) know users database, recovered db [tools.zppixbot]
2020-03-04 §
22:07 <RhinosF1> deploying hacked test in ##rhinosf1 [tools.zppixbot]
21:54 <RhinosF1> - placing code for T246922 in sftp://login.tools.wmflabs.org/mnt/nfs/labstore-secondary-tools-project/zppixbot [tools.zppixbot]
2020-03-03 §
22:28 <wm-bot> <zppix1> add wikibugs to ignore list and restart bot to deploy [tools.zppixbot]
2020-03-02 §
17:06 <wm-bot> <root> Hard restart of webservice. Running Pod and requiested version in service.manifest did not match. [tools.zppixbot]
2020-03-01 §
01:15 <wm-bot> <root> Migrated custom /data/project/zppixbot/k8s/sopelbot.yaml deployment to 2020 Kubernetes cluster [tools.zppixbot]
2020-02-28 §
19:13 <wm-bot> <root> Migrated to 2020 Kubernetes cluster [tools.zppixbot]
2020-02-25 §
21:52 <wm-bot> <zppix1> pruned botadmins config var and restarted bot to deploy [tools.zppixbot]
2020-02-24 §
22:29 <RhinosF1> ZppixBotWiki update done & unlocked db/removed site notice - reset my own password as it keeps saying incorrect [tools.zppixbot]
21:56 <RhinosF1> Wiki to read only & starting update for mediawiki & extensions to 1.34 [tools.zppixbot]
21:43 <RhinosF1> prepping upgrades for zppixbotwiki to 1.34 [tools.zppixbot]
16:19 <RhinosF1> change logging_level from DEBUG --> INFO [tools.zppixbot]
2020-02-12 §
23:30 <RhinosF1> unlocked wikidb T240898 (updated most things and got it working) [tools.zppixbot]
22:42 <RhinosF1> 1.31.6 - 1.32 latest commit failed - trying using git reset --hard and hoping [tools.zppixbot]
22:32 <RhinosF1> upgrading using git pull && update.php to each major version in turn + composer [tools.zppixbot]
22:10 <RhinosF1> Upload and prep mediawiki for T240898 [tools.zppixbot]
22:02 <RhinosF1> restart webservice as php7.3 [tools.zppixbot]
21:47 <RhinosF1> ZppixBotWiki to read only and begin PHP Upgrade — T240898 [tools.zppixbot]
2020-01-14 §
14:23 <Zppix> delete pod to attempt force restart due to openstack upgrade (T241347) [tools.zppixbot]
2020-01-01 §
15:34 <Zppix> add RhinosF1 as a maintainer [tools.zppixbot]
2019-10-07 §
17:29 <Zppix> kubectl delete pods —all [tools.zppixbot]
2019-09-22 §
13:35 <Zppix> cleanup ZppixZppixBot-chat.freenode.net.tell.db [tools.zppixbot]
2019-09-19 §
19:05 <Zppix> rm GeoLite* to investigate T233346 [tools.zppixbot]
2019-09-16 §
02:35 <Zppix> removing MacFan4000 as a maintainer due to inactivity and lack of accountability. [tools.zppixbot]
02:07 <Zppix> upgrade python to 3.5.3 and sopel to 6.9.9 (after some frustration) [tools.zppixbot]
2019-05-22 §
11:43 <Zppix> remove a unneeded reminder (requested by a user) [tools.zppixbot]
2019-05-11 §
22:02 <Zppix> prune logs in .sopel/logs/ [tools.zppixbot]
2019-05-02 §
22:10 <Zppix> deployed 5a089f2 & reloaded bot [tools.zppixbot]
2019-02-26 §
19:14 <Zppix> Restarting bot for config change [tools.zppixbot]
2019-02-08 §
21:28 <MacFan4000> moving Cron from trusty to stretch [tools.zppixbot]
2018-11-14 §
23:35 <MacFan4000> reenabling welcome module (no spam for awhile) [tools.zppixbot]
2018-07-26 §
16:23 <MacFan4000> restarted [tools.zppixbot]
2018-04-11 §
21:49 <MacFan4000> restart due to lots of joins/quits today [tools.zppixbot]
2018-04-09 §
21:53 <MacFan4000> Restarted to remove temp help module and autoupdate to latest sopel version [tools.zppixbot]
2018-03-25 §
18:29 <MacFan4000> restarted to add to a channel [tools.zppixbot]
2018-03-01 §
01:22 <MacFan4000> Restarted a few times for .tell cancelation/module update [tools.zppixbot]
2018-01-15 §
20:57 <MacFan4000> #wiki-dev-africa -> #wikimedia-dev-africa in .sopel/default.cfg & restart for config changes [tools.zppixbot]
2018-01-06 §
17:40 <MacFan4000> restarted a few times to test canceling reminders. [tools.zppixbot]
2018-01-05 §
21:59 <MacFan4000> restarted for config changes [tools.zppixbot]
15:05 <MacFan4000> restarted for config changes [tools.zppixbot]
2017-12-23 §
14:14 <MacFan4000> pulling in new changes for zppixbot T182252 [tools.zppixbot]
2017-12-22 §
19:00 <Zppix> Updated maintainer list via striker, added macfan400, removed a inactive mantainer [tools.zppixbot]
2017-12-20 §
19:54 <Zppix> restarted bot to stop duplicate reminder msgs being sent [tools.zppixbot]
2017-12-15 §
02:56 <Zppix> Deploying [[Gerrit:Ibc9bf9d37965cf29568223215e864dc58e3c]] T182806 (GCI Task deploy) [tools.zppixbot]
2017-12-13 §
01:29 <Zppix> Deploying [[Gerrit:397992]] [tools.zppixbot]
01:26 <Zppix> Restart due to config change [tools.zppixbot]