6101-6150 of 7705 results (41ms)
2019-02-27 §
01:29 <bd808> Depooled tools-webgrid-lighttpd-1419.tools.eqiad.wmflabs (T217152) [tools]
01:26 <bd808> Disabled job queues and rescheduled continuous jobs away from tools-exec-14{33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42}.tools.eqiad.wmflabs (T217152) [tools]
2019-02-26 §
20:51 <gtirloni> reboot tools-package-builder-02 (unresponsive) [tools]
19:01 <gtirloni> pushed updated docker images [tools]
17:30 <andrewbogott> draining and cordoning tools-worker-1027 for a region migration test [tools]
2019-02-25 §
23:20 <bstorm_> Depooled tools-sgeexec-0914 and tools-sgeexec-0915 for T217066 [tools]
21:41 <andrewbogott> depooling tools-sgeexec-0911, tools-sgeexec-0912, tools-sgeexec-0913 to test T217066 [tools]
13:11 <chicocvenancio> PAWS: Stopped AABot notebook pod T217010 [tools]
12:54 <chicocvenancio> PAWS: Restarted Criscod notebook pod T217010 [tools]
12:21 <chicocvenancio> PAWS: killed proxy and hub pods to attempt to get it to see routes to open notebooks servers to no avail. Restarted BernhardHumm's notebook pod T217010 [tools]
09:50 <gtirloni> rebooted tools-sgeexec-09{16,22,40} (T216988) [tools]
09:41 <gtirloni> rebooted tools-sgeexec-09{16,22,40} [tools]
08:37 <zhuyifei1999_> uncordon tools-worker-1015.tools.eqiad.wmflabs [tools]
08:34 <legoktm> hard rebooted tools-worker-1015 via horizon [tools]
07:48 <zhuyifei1999_> systemd stuck in D state. :( [tools]
07:44 <zhuyifei1999_> I saved dmesg and process list to a few files in /root if that helps debugging [tools]
07:43 <zhuyifei1999_> D states are not responding to SIGKILL. Will reboot. [tools]
07:37 <zhuyifei1999_> tools-worker-1015.tools.eqiad.wmflabs having severe NFS issues (all NFS accessing processes are stuck in D state). Draining. [tools]
2019-02-22 §
16:29 <gtirloni> upgraded and rebooted tools-puppetmaster-01 (new kernel) [tools]
15:59 <gtirloni> started tools-puppetmaster-01 (new size: m1.large) [tools]
15:13 <gtirloni> shutdown tools-puppetmaster-01 [tools]
2019-02-21 §
09:59 <gtirloni> upgraded all packages in all stretch nodes [tools]
00:12 <zhuyifei1999_> forcing puppet run on tools-k8s-master-01 [tools]
00:08 <zhuyifei1999_> running /usr/local/bin/git-sync-upstream on tools-puppetmaster-01 to speed puppet changes up [tools]
2019-02-20 §
23:30 <zhuyifei1999_> begin rebuilding all docker images T178601 T193646 T215683 [tools]
23:25 <zhuyifei1999_> upgraded toollabs-webservice on tools-bastion-02 to 0.44 (newly-built version) [tools]
23:19 <zhuyifei1999_> this was built for stretch. hopefully it works for all distros [tools]
23:17 <zhuyifei1999_> begin build new tools-webservice package T178601 T193646 T215683 [tools]
21:57 <andrewbogott> moving tools-static-13 to a new virt host [tools]
21:34 <andrewbogott> moving the tools-static IP from tools-static-13 to tools-static-12 [tools]
19:17 <andrewbogott> moving tools-bastion-02 to labvirt1004 [tools]
16:56 <andrewbogott> moving tools-paws-worker-1003 [tools]
15:53 <andrewbogott> moving tools-worker-1017, tools-worker-1027, tools-worker-1028 [tools]
15:03 <andrewbogott> moving tools-exec-1413 and tools-exec-1442 [tools]
2019-02-19 §
01:49 <bd808> Revoked Toolforge project membership for user DannyS712 (T215092) [tools]
2019-02-18 §
20:45 <gtirloni> upgraded and rebooted tools-sgebastion-07 (login-stretch) [tools]
20:22 <gtirloni> enabled toolsdb monitoring in Icinga [tools]
20:03 <gtirloni> pointed tools-db.eqiad.wmflabs to [tools]
18:50 <chicocvenancio> moving paws back to toolsdb T216208 [tools]
13:47 <arturo> rebooting tools-sgebastion-07 to try fixing general slowness [tools]
2019-02-17 §
22:23 <zhuyifei1999_> uncordon tools-worker-1010.tools.eqiad.wmflabs [tools]
22:11 <zhuyifei1999_> rebooting tools-worker-1010.tools.eqiad.wmflabs [tools]
22:10 <zhuyifei1999_> draining tools-worker-1010.tools.eqiad.wmflabs, `docker ps` is hanging. no idea why. also other weirdness like ContainerCreating forever [tools]
2019-02-16 §
05:00 <zhuyifei1999_> fixed by restarting flannel. another puppet run simply started kubelet [tools]
04:58 <zhuyifei1999_> puppet logs: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/P8097. Docker is failing with 'Failed to load environment files: No such file or directory' [tools]
04:52 <zhuyifei1999_> copied the resolv.conf from tools-k8s-master-01, removing secondary DNS to make sure puppet fixes that, and starting puppet [tools]
04:48 <zhuyifei1999_> that host's resolv.conf is badly broken https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/P8096. The last Puppet run was at Thu Feb 14 15:21:09 UTC 2019 (2247 minutes ago) [tools]
04:44 <zhuyifei1999_> puppet is also failing bad here 'Error: Could not request certificate: getaddrinfo: Name or service not known' [tools]
04:43 <zhuyifei1999_> this one has logs full of 'Can't contact LDAP server' [tools]
04:41 <zhuyifei1999_> nslcd also broken on tools-worker-1005 [tools]