701-750 of 10000 results (11ms)
2011-11-09 §
22:25 <mark> nagios is back up [production]
21:55 <reedy> synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php 'Bug 32312 - Enable WikiLove on Japanese Wikipedia' [production]
21:54 <Reedy> Creating Wikilove tables on jawiki [production]
21:00 <mark> Running puppetd --test in ddsh, concurrency 8 [production]
20:29 <mark> Undid the sockpuppet firewall rules [production]
20:17 <mark> Revert nagios changes [production]
19:52 <aaron> synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php 'removed references to patrolother right that does not exist' [production]
19:48 <aaron> synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php 'removed references to autopatrolother right that does not exist' [production]
19:36 <ben> synchronized wmf-config/db.php 'switching all external store clusters except cluster22 (current active) from srv/ms hosts to new ES hardware es3 and es4.' [production]
19:31 <mark> Truncated several puppet db tables again [production]
19:26 <aaron> synchronized php-1.18/extensions/FlaggedRevs/FlaggedRevs.php 'deployed [[rev:102559|r102559]]' [production]
18:44 <notpeter> restarting exim on mchenry [production]
18:19 <mark> Enabled PassengerGlobalQueueing on sockpuppet [production]
17:45 <mark> Temporarily firewalled all servers from sockpuppet, except spence [production]
17:42 <mark> Purged all nagios resources in the puppet db on db9 [production]
17:31 <catrope> synchronized php-1.18/cache/interwiki-pr.cdb 'Rebuilt interwiki cache again for [[bugzilla:29591|bug 29591]]' [production]
17:31 <catrope> synchronized php-1.18/cache/interwiki.cdb 'Rebuilt interwiki cache again for [[bugzilla:29591|bug 29591]]' [production]
17:20 <catrope> synchronized php-1.18/includes/api/ApiQuerySearch.php '[[rev:102538|r102538]]' [production]
16:21 <mark> Rebooting lvs1001 for kernel upgrade [production]
16:12 <mark> Failover of lvs1001 to lvs1004, preparing for lvs1001 reboot [production]
16:07 <mark> Rebooting lvs1004 for kernel upgrade [production]
15:45 <catrope> synchronized wmf-config/CommonSettings.php 'Reenable TitleBlacklist on nsowiki' [production]
15:43 <catrope> synchronized wmf-config/CommonSettings.php 'Disable TitleBlacklist on nsowiki so I can fix it properly' [production]
15:29 <RoanKattouw> Deleting and recreating nsowiki per [[bugzilla:30882|bug 30882]] [production]
15:09 <mark> Fixing discrepancy between 10.2.4 and 10.2.2 eqiad service IPs in DNS [production]
11:58 <Tim-away> on fenari: running puppetd -tv to get the new ED crontab [production]
05:35 <Ryan_Lane> adding gluster_3.2.4-1 to lucid-wikimedia repo [production]
02:52 <Tim> on fenari: fixing file permissions after someone ran svn up in the ED snapshot as root [production]
02:48 <Tim> stopping xinetd on fenari for extdist cleanup [production]
02:39 <Tim> disabled extdist crontab on fenari for testing of the new cron.php [production]
02:32 <LocalisationUpdate> completed (1.18) at Wed Nov 9 02:35:19 UTC 2011 [production]
02:21 <awjrichards> synchronized php/extensions/CentralNotice/CentralNotice.db.php '[[rev:102478|r102478]]' [production]
02:20 <awjrichards> synchronized php/extensions/CentralNotice/CentralNotice.i18n.php '[[rev:102478|r102478]]' [production]
02:14 <awjrichards> synchronized php/extensions/CentralNotice/CentralNotice.php '[[rev:102478|r102478]]' [production]
02:13 <awjrichards> synchronized php/extensions/CentralNotice/special/SpecialCentralNotice.php '[[rev:102478|r102478]]' [production]
02:13 <awjrichards> synchronized php/extensions/CentralNotice/special/SpecialBannerController.php '[[rev:102478|r102478]]' [production]
00:12 <aaron> synchronized php-1.18/includes/upload/UploadFromStash.php [production]
00:09 <aaron> synchronized php-1.18/includes/upload/UploadFromStash.php [production]
00:09 <aaron> synchronized php-1.18/includes/upload/UploadFromStash.php 'logging hack' [production]
2011-11-08 §
23:52 <aaron> synchronized php-1.18/includes/api/ApiUpload.php 'removed live hack' [production]
23:11 <aaron> synchronized php-1.18/includes/upload/UploadFromStash.php [production]
22:46 <aaron> synchronized php-1.18/includes/upload/UploadFromStash.php [production]
22:43 <AaronSchulz> Doing some api upload debugging via error log [production]
22:37 <aaron> synchronized php-1.18/includes/api/ApiUpload.php [production]
22:33 <aaron> synchronized php-1.18/includes/api/ApiUpload.php [production]
22:30 <aaron> synchronized php-1.18/includes/api/ApiUpload.php [production]
22:08 <aaron> synchronized php-1.18/includes/api/ApiUpload.php [production]
22:03 <aaron> synchronized php-1.18/includes/api/ApiUpload.php 'Made performStash() $stashFile check stronger' [production]
21:56 <tfinc> synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php 'updating aspect ratios for wmf wiki logo' [production]
21:33 <preilly> synchronized php-1.18/extensions/MobileFrontend/views/layout/application.html.php 'weekly update to mobile frontend' [production]