601-650 of 10000 results (16ms)
2011-11-13 §
23:58 <Ryan_Lane> added updated version of etherpad-lite to wikimedia repo [production]
23:39 <Tim> installing the new version of lp-filter.c from subversion on locke [production]
21:45 <reedy> synchronized wmf-config/CommonSettings.php 'Bug 32399 - [MoodBar] Change [infoUrl] at nlwiki' [production]
02:24 <LocalisationUpdate> completed (1.18) at Sun Nov 13 02:27:47 UTC 2011 [production]
01:57 <LocalisationUpdate> failed [production]
2011-11-12 §
15:56 <apergos> removed some old snapshot files from ms7 (not actual snaps, but saved copies of them no longer useful), freeing up about 7T of space [production]
15:47 <catrope> synchronized wmf-config/CommonSettings.php 'Re-enable TitleBlacklist on kwwiktionary' [production]
15:45 <catrope> synchronized wmf-config/CommonSettings.php 'Temp disable TitleBlacklist on kwwiktionary' [production]
09:44 <catrope> synchronized wmf-config/CommonSettings.php 'Replace Botswana account creation throttle exemption with one for Serbia' [production]
06:04 <neilk> synchronized wmf-config/CommonSettings.php 'Goes w/ previous change -- re-enable Special:UploadWizard where it is in use (i.e. Commons)' [production]
05:59 <neilk> synchronized wmf-config/CommonSettings.php 'Goes w/ previous change -- also need to disable multi-file select when disabling chunks' [production]
05:51 <neilk> synchronized wmf-config/CommonSettings.php 'Disabling chunked uploads temporarily, according to Erik we seem to have not deployed the API that can handle them' [production]
02:38 <awjr> synchronizing payments cluster to [[rev:102843|r102843]] [production]
02:28 <LocalisationUpdate> completed (1.18) at Sat Nov 12 02:31:22 UTC 2011 [production]
02:23 <demon> synchronized wmf-config/CommonSettings.php 'Set fallbackToAltUploadForm to true per Erik, tempoary site issues' [production]
01:57 <LocalisationUpdate> failed [production]
01:20 <aaron> synchronized wmf-config/flaggedrevs.php 'arwiki: disabled autopromote, added Portal and Annex namespaces to $wgFlaggedRevsNamespaces' [production]
2011-11-11 §
19:06 <awjr> Syncronizing payments [[rev:102807|r102807]] [production]
12:40 <catrope> synchronized php-1.18/languages/messages/MessagesEn.php '[[rev:102777|r102777]]' [production]
10:22 <mark> Fixing up amssq57 [production]
10:09 <apergos> traffic back to normal, let's see [production]
10:06 <mark> csw1-esams reloaded, back up [production]
09:51 <apergos> moved traffic back to tampa [production]
09:43 <apergos> restored traffic so more tests can be done [production]
08:56 <apergos> moved traffic to pmtpa, csw1 reboots reported from observium [production]
03:43 <Ryan_Lane> finished gluster switchover for labs [production]
03:32 <Ryan_Lane> rebooting virt2 to test gluster switchover [production]
03:30 <neilk> synchronized php-1.18/extensions/UploadWizard/resources/mw.UploadWizardDetails.js 'MFT [[rev:102745|r102745]] - fixes issue where descriptions were accidentally not required for uploadwizard images (accidentally flipped boolean)' [production]
03:23 <Ryan_Lane> moving instances on virt2 to gluster storager [production]
03:19 <awjr> Syncing payments boxes to [[rev:102740|r102740]] (1 hour ago, logmsgbot was dead) [production]
03:16 <Ryan_Lane> rebooting virt4 to test gluster switchover [production]
03:03 <Ryan_Lane> suspending all instances on virt4 to move instances to gluster [production]
02:58 <Ryan_Lane> rebooting virt3 to test gluster switchover [production]
01:13 <LeslieCarr> rebooting csw2-esams [production]
00:55 <lcarr> installing new os on csw2-esams [production]
00:53 <lcarr> DNS draining AMS [production]
00:28 <ben> synchronized wmf-config/db.php 'removing es1 because it has crashed.' [production]
00:05 <Tim> debugging memory leak on srv189 by attaching to the culprit apache in gdb [production]
00:04 <awjrichards> synchronized php/extensions/ContributionReporting/arrow.png '[[rev:102721|r102721]]' [production]
2011-11-10 §
23:50 <awjrichards> rebuilt wikiversions.cdb and synchronized wikiversions files: [production]
23:36 <awjrichards> synchronizing Wikimedia installation... : [production]
23:31 <awjrichards> synchronizing Wikimedia installation... : [production]
23:29 <Tim> on fenari: ran puppetd -tv --debug to fix wikimedia-task-appserver [production]
23:11 <tstarling> synchronizing Wikimedia installation... : [production]
23:10 <neilk> synchronized php-1.18/extensions/UploadWizard [production]
22:54 <neilk> synchronizing Wikimedia installation... : New version of UploadWizard ([[rev:102709|r102709]]), multi-file select, custom licenses (2nd try) [production]
22:53 <neilk> synchronizing Wikimedia installation... : New version of UploadWizard ([[rev:102709|r102709]]), multi-file select, custom licenses [production]
22:22 <reedy> synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php 'Fix kk logos' [production]
22:20 <awjrichards> synchronized wmf-config/CommonSettings.php 'Adding better config control for ContributionReporting extension' [production]
22:20 <awjrichards> synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php 'Adding better config control for ContributionReporting extension' [production]